NickNamer Plugin (1.17.1) – Nickname And Skin Changer Plugin
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July 11, 2024
NickNamer Plugin (1.17.1) is a robust plugin that allows players to change their display names (nicknames) and skins on a Minecraft server. This plugin is particularly useful for servers looking to provide players with the ability to personalize their in-game identity. It offers a wide range of features, including integrated API support for developers to create custom functionality.
- Nickname Management: Allows players to set, change, and remove their nicknames easily.
- Skin Customization: Players can change their in-game skins to any valid Minecraft skin, providing a higher level of personalization.
- Integrated API: Offers an extensive API for developers to integrate NickNamer’s functionality into their custom plugins.
- Permissions Support: Administrators can control who can use nickname and skin features through detailed permissions settings.
- Tab List Integration: Updates the tab list with the player’s nickname, ensuring consistency across the server.
- PlaceholderAPI Support: Full integration with PlaceholderAPI allows for dynamic placeholders in nicknames and other customizations.
- Compatibility: Works seamlessly with other plugins, ensuring no conflicts and smooth operation on the server.
- Anti-Impersonation: Includes features to prevent players from impersonating others by setting similar nicknames or skins.
- /nick <Name> [Player] – Set your own, or another player’s name
- /clearNick [Player] – Reset your own, or another player’s name
- /randomNick [Player] [Category] – Get a random name
- /listNames – Get a list of used names
- /refreshNick [Player] – Update name & skin to all players including yourself
- /skin <Skin> [Player] – Set your own, or another player’s skin
- /clearSkin [Player] – Reset your own, or another player’s skin
- /listSkins – Get a list of used skins
- /randomSkin [Player] [Category] – Get a random skin
- /nickReload – Reload the configuration
- – Permission to set name
- – Permission to reset name
- – Permission to list names
- – Permission to set random name
- nick.colored – Permission to use colors in names
- nick.other – Permission to change other player’s names
- – Permission to set skin
- – Permission to reset skin
- – Permission to list skins
- – Permission to set random skin
- skin.other – Permission to change other player’s skins
- nick.command.refresh – Permission to update name & skin
-<Name> – Permission for specific names (use* to allow all names)
- nicknamer.join.nick – Permission to get a random name when joining
- nicknamer.join.nick.<name> – Permission to get a specific name when joining
- – Permission to get a random skin when joining
-<skin> – Permission to get a specific skin when joining
- Note: because permissions are converted to lower-case, you have to manually add ^-identifiers for uppercase, e.g. ^dinnerbone results in Dinnerbone
- nicknamer.reload – Permission to reload
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Spigot Plugins
- Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Plugins
NickNamer Plugin (1.17.1) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft 1.17 to 1.17.1
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