NoCube’s Zombie Mobs Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) brings the Zombie infection into Minecraft. In Minecraft, Zombies will only look like infected humans or like infected villagers, and animals will not be infected. But now, creatures that exist in Minecraft can be infected and turn into zombies. Everything will not stop there; each animal, after it turns into a zombie, will have a unique ability; Zombie Pig can explode when caught on fire, Zombie Cow can make people bitten nauseous, and Zombie Panda can give you a hunger effect. In general, if you come across animals that have been infected and turned into zombies, be careful with them, do not take them too lightly, or you will be the one to take the consequences. You can also neutralize the infection for them by doing with Zombie villagers. This will be a good mod if you want to use it as a survival Modpack.


  • Zombie Chicken. It can easily pass through one-block gaps due to its small size. Drops rotten flesh and feathers.
  • Zombie Pig. It explodes after a while if set on fire. This does not work while burning under sunlight. Drops rotten flesh.
  • Zombie Goat. It has a powerful attack knockback and a chance to stun the target and inflict nausea. The stun effect decreases all horizontal movement by 50%. Drops rotten flesh.
  • Zombie Sheep. Has an armor boost at low health. Attacks sheep. Drops rotten flesh and wool.
  • Zombie Cow. It beats people inflicting nausea and launching them into the air. This effect works much more potent when the target is already mid-air. Drops rotten flesh and leather.
  • Zombieshroom. Upon death explodes into toxic clouds that inflict nausea and poison.

  • Zombie Cat & Ocelot. It inflicts poisonous rotting scratches with its claws and has a speed boost at low health. Drops rotten flesh and string.
  • Zombie Fox. Steals food from main hand and off-hand of player and has speed boost at low health. Drops rotten flesh.
  • Zombie Wolf. Has weak life-steal ability. Drops rotten flesh.
  • Zombie Panda. Inflicts Hunger. Drops rotten flesh and rarely slimeballs

  • Hostile Zombie Horse. A different mob from vanilla Zombie Horse. It has medium knockback and a chance to inflict slowness.
  • Zombie Donkey. It has medium knockback and a chance to inflict mining fatigue.
  • Zombie Mule. It does not naturally spawn and appears only if Mule is killed.
  • Zombie Llama. Extremely dangerous due to poisonous spit ranged attack. Drops rotten flesh and leather.
  • Zombie Bear. Has damage boost at low health. Drops rotten flesh.

  • Zombie Dolphin. It Inflicts a “drowning” effect, which causes you to go to the bottom of the ocean. Drops rotten flesh.
  • Zombie Turtle. Inflicts mining fatigue for one minute. Drops rotten flesh and seagrass
  • Zombie Squid. Upon attacking, a player stops before exploding, releasing ink clouds around, and inflicting blindness.



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NoCube’s Zombie Mobs Mod (1.19.2, 1.18.2) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Forge Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

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