O Coração da Selva Mod (1.19.4), which translates to “The Heart of the Jungle” in English, is a mod that focuses on improving the jungle biomes in Minecraft. The mod was developed by a Brazilian Minecraft modder named GuiShadow, and it has gained popularity among players worldwide. The mod adds new creatures to the jungle biome, such as monkeys, toucans, jaguars, and snakes. These animals not only add to the aesthetic of the game but also bring new challenges for players to face. For instance, jaguars are aggressive predators that can attack players and other animals, while snakes are venomous and can poison players if they are not careful.

In Minecraft, a new dimension dedicated to jungles will soon emerge. This dimension will be entirely composed of a unique jungle biome, replete with new structures, food items like durian, and various types of mobs, including different species of monkeys and tropical fish. Exciting adventures await in this lush and vibrant jungle realm.



  • Orangutan: a big primate with a temper, so dont mess with him.
  • Proboscis Monkey: a big nosed monkey that eats mangrove propagules
  • Tarsier: a small big eyed tarsiiformes that live in lush caves
  • Piranha. tiny angry fishies
  • Arapaima: gentle giants in the rivers
  • Giant Stingray: big and dangerous stingrays in the mangroves
  • Tilapia: delicious river fish
  • Jungle Blowfish: slightly dangerous venomous fish


  • Ape Temple, the Ape Temple has the portal to the dimension
  • Ruined Church, This Structure has the Headless Mule which plays a big part in lighting the portal


  • Durian: a jungle delicacy to some but not all, these are found in durian trees
  • Guaraná: a berry that comes from its bush in the sparse jungle
  • Mandioca: a farmable root that can be fried or mashed
  • Black Beans: easy to farm
  • Manchineel, a poisonous berry found in Manchineel Trees



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GeckoLib Mod

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For Minecraft 1.19.4

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