As obvious as it could be, I would still give a prop to the author for their insane detailing skill on the oceanic side of Minecraft which most shaders out there would’ve turned a blind eye on. The lightning is incredible and well-done, it’s as real as it could get. The atmosphere is there and absolutely stunning. With the right Resource Pack, I think this could be one of the most wholesome shaders. From what I heard, Oceano Shaders Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) run smoothly even on a standard PCs specs.

Oceano Shaders Mod


Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 1

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Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 19

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Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 21

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Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 24

Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 25

Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 26

Oceano Shaders Mod Screenshots 27

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Iris Shaders Mod (Optional)

BetterFps Mod (Recommended)

Sound Filters Mod (Optional)

Dynamic Surroundings Mod (Optional)

Better Foliage Mod (Optional)

Chroma Hills Resource Pack (Optional)

Realistico Resource Pack (Optional)

How to install:

Oceano Shaders Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.7.10 to Minecraft 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.1, 1.21, 1.20.1

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

Author’s Contact: (The Shader Labs Discord Server)

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