Are you tired of the limited variety of Golems in Minecraft? Ore Golems Addon (1.20, 1.19) introduces different types of Ore Golems, each made from a different type of ore found in the game, such as Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, and more. Each Golem has unique abilities and strengths corresponding to its ore type, adding a fascinating element of variety.


This is the Soul Core:

This is how you craft it:

(A=Nether Bricks, B=Soul Soil, C=Trapped Soul.)

  • ABA
  • BCB
  • ABA

And this is the Trapped Soul:

This is how you obtain it:

Smelt Soul Sand in a Furnace.

All you have to do to summon the Golems is right-click the top of the Soul Core while holding the Trapped Soul.

Now that I have shown you how to summon the Golems, we can see all the different ones and what they do.

Emerald Golem:



This is how you summon it:

The Emerald Golem is a small, Passive Golem that hops around and has a flower on its head. If you right-click on it while holding an Emerald, it consumes the Emerald and becomes Corrupted. When it becomes Corrupted, you receive the Hero of the Village effect. After thirty seconds the Emerald Golem returns to Normal. You can Corrupt the Emerald Golem only three times. Each time it gets Corrupted, the Hero of the Village effect gets stronger, but also shorter. After you corrupt the Emerald Golem a third time it, um, well… …it’s a surprise. You will just have to find out.

Quartz Golem:

This is how you summon it:

The Quartz Golem is a medium-small, Passive Golem that has a crown of Quartz and two vertical eyes. You can trade with the Quartz Golem. If you give it Nether Quartz, it will give you any kind of Ore you seek. And that’s pretty much it.

Copper Golem:





This is how you summon it. (You can use Waxed or Unwaxed Copper. If you used the Waxed Copper, the Golem will spawn in its Waxed state.)

The Copper Golem is a medium-small, Passive Golem that oxidizes and has a Lightning Rod on its head. You already know what the Copper Golem does. It pushes buttons! But only the Overworld wood kind. Not any kind of stone or Nether wood kind. Over time the Copper Golem oxidizes. If you use any kind of Axe on a Copper Golem, then the Golem goes back to one oxidization state, just like Copper blocks. If you use a Honeycomb on a Copper Golem, then the Golem becomes Waxed and does not oxidize. You can remove the wax off the Copper Golem if you right-click it with an Axe. If the Copper Golem gets struck by Lightning, then the Golem goes to its Clean state, regardless of which state of oxidization it was currently on. (If the Golem is Waxed, then it will not return to its Clean state.)

Gold Golem:

This is how you summon it:

The Gold Golem is a medium-small, Neutral Golem that carries a Golden Sword and has glowing eyes. The Gold Golem is probably my favorite out of all the Golems. The Gold Golem can smell well, but has bad eyesight and is not very smart. The Gold Golem attacks ANYTHING THAT MOVES except Piglins, Mobs wearing Gold Armor (Player included.), Inanimate Objects (By the way, Oxidized Copper Golems and Deactivated Diamond Golems fall under this category.), and other Gold Golems. The Gold Golem can only sense targets within eight blocks of itself, however, if a Gold Golem starts fighting, all other Gold Golems in a sixteen-block area run over to join the fight. If you have any items that a Piglin has given you (Like Soul Sand, Leather, Ender Pearls, Fire Charges, String, you know, Piglin trades.) then you can right-click on a Gold Golem while holding that item and it will take your item and inspect it. Once it has been inspected, it has a fifty percent chance of giving you a Gold Nugget. It’s like a Piglin refund! But just make sure to keep your Gold Armor on. If a Gold Golem sees you with your Armor off, it might keep attacking you, even if you put your Armor back on. Gold Golems can spawn naturally in the Nether. If you hold a Gold Ingot in your hand, Gold Golems will follow you. Gold Golems will follow Piglins and mobs wearing Gold Armor.

Coal Golem:

This is how you summon it:

The Coal Golem is a medium, Passive Golem that can climb walls and has dynamic lighting. You can tame the Coal Golem using Coal. Once you tame it, the Coal Golem will follow you around. If you run out of Torches while caving, don’t worry! The Coal Golem produces light for you. It is like a walking Torch. If you right-click on the Coal Golem while holding Raw Copper, Raw Iron, or Raw Gold, then it will smelt the Raw Ores for you. If you right-click on the Coal Golem without holding a Raw Ore, then you can access its Inventory. You can put items in and take items out of the Inventory. It is like a walking Chest. However, if the Coal Golem walks over a Hopper, then the items in its Inventory will be siphoned into the Hopper! So just make sure your pet does not walk over any Hoppers. (Unless you want it to.) You cannot sit the Coal Golem. WARNING: The Coal Golem’s dynamic lighting interferes with Light Blocks in your world. If you spawn the Coal Golem near Light Blocks, they will disappear.

Iron Golem:

This is how you summon it:

You know what an Iron Golem is. (Hopefully.)

Lapis Lazuli Golem:

This is how you summon it:

The Lapis Lazuli Golem is a large, Neutral Golem that hunts Undead creatures and has a Lapis Lazuli Block on its back. If you right-click the Lapis Lazuli Golem while holding a Pickaxe, then you ‘Mine’ the Lapis Lazuli Block off the Lapis Lazuli Golem’s back, and it drops Lapis Lazuli. After half a Minecraft day (10 minutes.), the block will grow back. The better the Pickaxe, the more Lapis Lazuli is dropped. The Lapis Lazuli Golem will attack Undead mobs, but it will also attack Iron Golems, Villagers, Wolfs, Wandering Traders, and above all else, it’s sworn enemy, the Redstone Golem. Lapis Lazuli Golems and Redstone Golems hate each other and will kill each other. Lapis Lazuli Golems, under no circumstances, will ever attack Illagers. Initially, the Lapis Lazuli Golem won’t attack you, but if you hurt it, then it will try to kill you, so be careful when you are swinging that pickaxe to ‘Mine’ the Lapis Lazuli off the Golem.

Redstone Golem:

This is how you summon it:

The Redstone Golem is a large, Neutral Golem that acts exactly the same as the Lapis Lazuli Golem. The author should have just combined their entries into one, but it’s too late now. The Redstone Golem drops Redstone instead of Lapis Lazuli when it is ‘Mined’, but that is obvious.

Diamond Golem:



This is how you summon it:

The Diamond Golem is a large, Passive Golem that walks like a Gorilla and is very strong. The Diamond Golem acts similar to the Iron Golem. It walks around and fights Monsters. But there are a few differences. The Diamond Golem will attack and kill creepers, and the Diamond Golem has a super strong knockback attack. While fighting, it will sometimes slam its fists into the ground and create a shockwave that sends all mobs flying. But be careful, because YOU will get flung back too! You can repair the Diamond Golem with Diamonds and Iron Ingots. Iron Ingots heal 25 damage, and Diamonds heal 100 damage. If you sneak and right-click on the Diamond Golem, it will be Deactivated. It will not attack monsters when it is Deactivated.

Netherite Golem:

This is how you summon it:

The Netherite Golem is a giant, Hostile Golem that spits Fireballs and can summon Lava. If you spawn the Netherite Golem, get ready for a fight! The Netherite Golem is a boss that drops 1000 to 1500 Exp. The Exp is the whole reason for fighting the Golem. The Netherite Golem will also attack Diamond Golems and Iron Golems. The Netherite Golem has 3 attacks, 1 ranged and 2 melees. Its ranged attack is it spits 2 large Fireballs at you. Its common melee attack is it slams its fists into the ground and creates a shockwave weaker than the Diamond Golem, but it does more damage. The second melee attack is it summons Lava in a circle around it. The Netherite Golem is fire and explosion-resistant and can walk on Lava. The author tried as hard as he could to make it so you can’t cheat against the Golem. For example, the Netherite Golem creates a thin stone layer under it when it is on Water, which allows it to walk over bodies of Water. The Netherite Golem has a one hundred percent chance of dropping a Netherite Block, but it will drop zero to four Diamond Blocks and zero to five Gold Blocks.

Installation Note:

  • Make sure you activated the Experimental Gameplay Options.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Ore Golems Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

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For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20

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