Ore Seeds Mod 1.12.1, 1.8 (M’Ore Seeds)
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January 20, 2016
Ore Seeds Mod 1.12.1, 1.8 adds 5 seeds to the game from which you can grow Diamonds, Emeralds, Gold, Iron and Strawberries.
- Diamond Plant (Grows Diamonds): Seeds grow on coal blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each coal block. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Diamond and 1 Diamond seed with a 10% chance of dropping another seed (can be changed in config).
- Emerald Plant (Grows Emeralds): Seeds grow on Nertherrack blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each Netherrack. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Emerald and 1 Emerald seed with a 15% chance of dropping another seed (can be changed in the config menu).
- Iron Plant (Grows Iron): Seeds grow on Nertherrack blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each Netherrack. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Iron and 1 Iron seed with a 50% chance of dropping another seed (can be changed in the config menu).
- Gold Plant (Grows Gold): Seeds grow on Nertherrack blocks and lava must be somewhere around the 8 adjacent spots of each Netherrack. The lava must also be open to air (the block above it must be empty). Grows around the same rate as wheat. Drops 1 Gold Ingot and 1 Gold seed with a 40% chance of dropping another seed and a Gold Nugget (can be changed in the config menu).
- Strawberry Crop: Drops 4 Strawberries. Food values balance based on apple and watermelon. Gives 1 heart (of health) and 0.3F saturation. Gives a little and need to use 1 for 1 seed (grows 4 Strawberries). To give them a little more worth, their is approximately ~25% chance that they will give you a speed boost for 5 seconds.
- Diamond Seeds: Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Diamond blocks. Expensive, but well worth it.
- Emerald Seeds: Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Emerald blocks. Sure to crash a village economy.
- Iron Seeds: Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Iron blocks. Never mine for Iron again!
- Gold Seeds: Made by surrounding a Nether Star with 8 Blocks of Gold.
- Strawberry Seed: A Strawberry seed is crafted from a Strawberry (shapeless). Strawberries themselves can be found by breaking grass.
Mod Showcases:
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge.
- Download the mod.
- Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
- If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
- Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
- Enjoy the mod.
Ore Seeds Mod 1.12.1, 1.8 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.8
For Minecraft 1.12.1
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