Paintball Battle Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) – Spigot
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June 24, 2023
Paintball Battle Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a dynamic addition to Minecraft servers that brings the thrill of paintball games to the virtual world. It offers players the opportunity to engage in exciting PvP battles, armed with paintball guns and a range of unique gameplay features. With the Paintball Battle plugin, server owners can create custom arenas and organize thrilling paintball tournaments for their players.
– ✓ Fully Configurable
- Arena Cooldowns, Time and Team Lives.
- Teams Customization (Name, Color, Item).
- Inventories Customization.
- Sounds.
- Winners Command Rewards.
- All Messages.
– ✓ 8 KillStreaks (more incoming, you can suggest one!)
- More Snowballs (You will receive extra snowballs)
- Strong Arm (You will throw snowballs at high speed)
- Triple Shoot (You will throw 3 snowballs at a time)
- +3 Lives (Regain 3 Lives for your team)
- Teleport (Teleports you to your death location)
- Lightning Strike (Kills your sorrounding enemies in a radius)
- Nuke (Kills all of your enemies)
- Fury Mode (You will be immune to snowballs, and you won’t consume them)
– ✓ 9 Hats (more incoming, you can suggest one!)
- Speed Hat (Gives you permanent Speed I)
- Jump Hat (Gives you Jump I when sneaking for X seconds)
- Protector Hat (Gives you a small chance of dodging snowballs hits)
- Time Hat (All of your killstreaks last X more seconds)
- Guardian Hat (Gives you Invulnerability and Slowness II when sneaking for X seconds)
- Present Hat (At the start of the game one of your teammates will receive 3 killcoins)
- Assassin Hat (Killing the user who last killed you will give you an extra killcoin)
- Chicken Hat (You will shoot eggs instead of snowballs)
- Explosive Hat (Gives you a small chance of exploding when you are killed, killing nearby enemies)
– ✓ 3 Permanent Perks with Configurable levels
- Top Holograms for Wins and Kills (Global, Monthly, Weekly)
- Multiple Arenas
- Per Arena Chat
- Play Again Item
- Command Whitelist
- PlaceholderAPI variables and support for Scoreboard and Chat
- MySQL Database
- 3 Types of Economies (Paintball, Vault or TokenManager)
- Save players wins, loses, ties, kills
- Works in 1.8+
- /paintball create <arena> Creates a new arena.
- /paintball delete <arena> Deletes an arena.
- /paintball join <arena> Joins an arena.
- /paintball joinrandom Joins a random arena.
- /paintball leave Leaves from the arena.
- /paintball shop Opens the Paintball Shop.
- /paintball givecoins <player> <amount> Gives Paintball coins to a player.
- /paintball setmainlobby Defines the minigame main lobby.
- /paintball enable <arena> Enables an arena.
- /paintball disable <arena> Disables an arena.
- /paintball edit <arena> Edit the properties of an arena.
- /paintball createtophologram <name> <kills/wins> <global/monthly/weekly>
- /paintball removetophologram <name>
- /paintball reload Reloads the configuration files.
- paintballbattle.join: Grants permission for players to join paintball arenas.
- paintballbattle.leave: Allows players to leave paintball arenas.
- paintballbattle.create: Provides permission for server owners to create new paintball arenas.
- paintballbattle.delete: Grants permission for server owners to delete paintball arenas.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
Paintball Battle Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.8 to Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1
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