PandaCraft Server stands at the pinnacle of Minecraft Survival servers, offering its players an unmatched blend of quality-of-life plugins, fun, and camaraderie. Our server operates on the latest 1.19+ version and warmly welcomes both Java and Bedrock players. At PandaCraft, we are not just about surviving; we believe in enhancing the survival experience to make it more thrilling, enjoyable, and social.

A Promise of Quality and Fun

At PandaCraft, we continually strive to offer the highest quality Minecraft Survival experience. We’re committed to maintaining a server that isn’t just about surviving but thriving, exploring, creating, trading, and connecting. Join us today, and embark on an unforgettable journey through the vibrant world of PandaCraft.

Server Information

Author: lilPandaz

Server name: PandaCraft

Server Location:  United States

Minecraft Platform: Java, MCPE, Bedrock

Supported Version: 1.20.2

Game types: Survival, MCMMO, PvP, PvE, Vanilla, Economy, SMP, Bedrock, Lifesteal, Skyblock

Visit PandaCraft server

Server Features

Empowering Players with a Vibrant Economy

A thriving player economy lies at the heart of PandaCraft. We believe in the empowerment of our players, giving them the reins of the economy. From trading valuable resources to establishing bustling markets, our players define the economic landscape of PandaCraft. We’ve made transactions easier and safer, fostering economic growth while ensuring fair play.

Claiming System: Your Land, Your Rules

PandaCraft employs an advanced claiming system that lets players claim their land, build their dream structures, and safeguard their belongings. This feature not only enhances security but also fosters creativity among players, allowing them to shape their territories as they desire without fear of intrusion.

Voting Ranks: The Power of Democracy

Recognizing the contributions and dedication of our players is one of our core principles at PandaCraft. Our unique voting rank system rewards active and loyal players, acknowledging their efforts and commitment. By casting their votes, players can ascend the ranks, gaining recognition and reaping rewards, further enriching their PandaCraft journey.

Leveling the Playing Field

Unlike many Minecraft servers, PandaCraft does not sell ranks, keys, or items that could provide certain players with an unfair advantage. We’re dedicated to ensuring a fair and balanced environment, free from the disadvantages of pay-to-win systems. Every player at PandaCraft starts on equal footing, promoting a healthy sense of competition and camaraderie.

Custom Modeled Cosmetics: An Unrivaled Touch of Personality

In the world of Minecraft servers, PandaCraft leads with its unique custom-modeled cosmetics. Our player base isn’t just a collection of generic characters. Each player at PandaCraft can enjoy the luxury of personalizing their avatars with a variety of custom cosmetics. These cosmetics add a touch of charm and individuality, enabling players to make their mark in the vast world of PandaCraft.

Player Warps: Your Journey, Your Control

At PandaCraft, we ensure that our players are always in control of their journey. Our player warp system is designed to provide players with seamless access to their favorite locations. Be it your secret hideout or a treasured landmark; player warps make the exploration and navigation of our expansive world a breeze.

Building a Community of Friends

At the heart of PandaCraft lies a vibrant community of players, both old and new, united by their shared love for Minecraft Survival. We believe in the power of friendship and camaraderie, and at PandaCraft, players can form lasting bonds, collaborate on projects, or compete in friendly rivalries. Whether you’re a Minecraft veteran or a newcomer, you’ll find a place within our welcoming community.

In-game Features


PandaCraft’s Survival Gamemode encourages players to gather resources, such as wood, stone, and ores, to craft tools, weapons, and armor that will aid in their survival. Engage in farming and animal husbandry to secure a sustainable food supply, or venture into dangerous caves to discover valuable treasures and rare artifacts.

Collaboration with other players is key to thriving in this survival-oriented environment. Join forces with friends to build bustling communities, establish trade networks, and take on epic challenges together. Engage in friendly competitions or team up for cooperative adventures as you strive to conquer the untamed world of PandaCraft. Whether you’re a seasoned survival expert or new to the game, PandaCraft’s Survival Gamemode offers a thrilling and immersive experience for all players.

  • Features in Survival gamemode:
    • Voting
    • Claiming Blocks
    • Pinata Party
    • Warps
    • Shop
    • Black Smith
    • Custom Cosmetics
    • Quests
    • Monthly Goal
    • Crates
    • Community Chest
    • Fishing
    • Furniture


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