PetDragon Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) – Spigot
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July 5, 2023
PetDragon Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is a Minecraft server plugin that allows players to tame, ride, and command dragons. It adds a new dimension to the game, providing players with a powerful and majestic companion to aid in their Minecraft adventures. With the PetDragon plugin, players can soar through the skies on the back of a dragon, adding a touch of fantasy and excitement to the game.
- The PetDragon plugin allows players to tame wild dragons, turning them into loyal pets.
- Once tamed, players can mount and ride their dragons, soaring through the skies of Minecraft.
- The plugin allows players to command their dragons, including telling them where to go and when to land.
- Players can customize their dragons, including their appearance and behavior.
- The PetDragon plugin is compatible with most versions of Minecraft, making it accessible to a wide range of players.
- /dragon spawn – Spawn a new PetDragon above you
- /dragon remove [range] – Remove the nearest PetDragon which is within the specified range. If no range is specified, this will default to 3 blocks.
- /dragon locate – See where dragons spawned by you are currently located! Only works for dragons spawned in version 1.2 onwards. Keep in mind this only works for dragons in currently loaded chunks. If enabled, you can click the text to remove the dragon!
- /dragon egg – Gives you a PetDragon spawn egg.
- /dragon reload – Reload the configuration without having to restart the server.
- petdragon.command.spawn (op) – Allows you to spawn a PetDragon
- petdragon.command.remove (op) – Allows you to remove a PetDragon
- petdragon.command.locate (anyone) – Shows a list to help you locate your PetDragons. If configured players can also click them in this list to remove them.
- petdragon.command.egg (op) – Allows you to give yourself PetDragon spawn eggs. These eggs have a separate use permission, see below.
- petdragon.command.reload (op) – Allows you to reload the configuration
- petdragon.bypass.dragonlimit (op) – Allows a player to spawn as many dragons as they want (spawn limit is in the configuration)
- petdragon.bypass.owner (op) – Allows a player to ride dragons spawned by other people (not allowed by default)
- petdragon.bypass.remove (op) – Allows a player to remove dragons they don’t own by using the remove command.
- petdragon.ride (anyone) – Allows you to ride a PetDragon
- petdragon.shoot (anyone) – Allows a player’s PetDragon to shoot fireballs
- petdragon.spawnegg (anyone) – Allows a player to use PetDragon spawn eggs. PetDragons spawned this way bypass the max-dragons-per-player setting, making this a separate way to control the amount of PetDragons.
- petdragon.hurt.self (anyone) – Whether a player can damage his own PetDragons.
- petdragon.hurt.others (op) – Whether a player can damage PetDragons spawned in by other players
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
PetDragon Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.14 to Minecraft Spigot 1.20.1
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