Pixelmon’s Faithful 32x Addon
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August 24, 2016
About Pixelmon’s Faithful 32x Addon Pack
Pixelmon’s Faithful 32x Addon. You still need to download the vanilla faithful 32×32 pack, because it is not included.
Faithful 32x: https://www.9minecraft.net/faithful-resource-pack/
Some textures are taken, resized and adjusted from here: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Category:Pok%C3%A9mon_Dream_World_items
The result is that they look cool in the inventory but not as good if held in hand.
These textures are placeholders and I’ll replace them little by little.
If you have suggestion or want to contribute to the pack just leave a comment and I will add a credit section here!
Pixelmon’s Faithful 32x 1.8.9 Changelogs
- Remade apicot berry
- Remade Trade Machine
- Remade Box
- Remade Fossil Display
- Remade Gym Sign
Download links for Pixelmon’s Faithful 32x Addon
for Minecraft 1.8.X
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