Pogo Stick Mod
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January 6, 2014
What does mod do?
This mod adds
- Pogosticks!
- Pogoboots!
- Bouncer!
- Pogosticks: Right click to bounce, and automatically bounce after landing (if you have a stone pogo or higher)! Just hold shift when you’re falling in order to not bounce, or toggle the special effect!
- Pogo-boots: These boots cancel fall damage, and will take the amount of blocks you fell out of their durability! They’re stronger than gold, but weaker than iron.
- Bouncer block: The bouncer works like a trampoline; when you land on one, or jump while you’re on one fall damage is cancelled and you bounce straight back up!
The Pogosticks:
Mod Spotlight:
How to install:
- Download and install Minecraft Forge
- Download the mod
- Put downloaded zip file into
- /Users/[Your user]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/mods on Windows
- /Users/[Your user]/Library/Application Support/minecraft/mods on Mac folder
- Do not unzip it. If you don’t have a mods folder, create one
- Enjoy the mod
Mod Download Links
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