Progressive Archery Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is a mod that aims to make ranged combat in Minecraft more dynamic than its vanilla mechanics, without straying too much from the original game’s design. It reworks and expands on archery and projectiles, as well as some quality-of-life improvements.


  • Introduces a brand new progression chain for bows, crossbows, and arrows, mirroring that of mining tools and melee weapons.
  • Adds new variants of bows and arrows the player may use according to their playstyle.
  • Adds new blocks, items, and Villager trades to facilitate ranged combat.
  • Reworks archery mechanics & enchantments to be more player-intensive.
  • Makes mob ranged combat less predictable and/or more challenging.
  • Adds new advancements.

Bow Progression Chain:

  • Each upgrade tier is more durable, more accurate and shoots projectiles faster than the tiers below.
  • A player can craft each upgrade by fusing a Wooden bow with the ingredient of choice & a Bow Fusion Smithing Template, which can be obtained through combat or exploration.

New Bow Variants:

  • Bow: The simplest variant, it resembles the vanilla bow, but has the shortest draw time out of all variants including the original vanilla bow. It shoots the slowest projectiles out of all the variants.
  • Horn Bow: This bow with horns is a sturdy, stronger variant of the Bow. It has the same draw time with the vanilla bow, and has a durability higher than Bows. It shoots projectiles faster than Bows.
  • Crossbow: This reinforced bow resembles the vanilla Crossbow, but it has the same draw time with the vanilla bow, and has a durability higher than Bows. Unlike all other variants, it loads its projectiles before shooting, and shoots projectiles faster than Bows. It also has the unique ability to shoot exploding firework rockets, whose mechanics have been reworked, and has the highest accuracy among all variants.
  • Longbow: This longer, larger bow has a longer draw time than the Horn Bow, and has the highest durability among all variants. It shoots projectiles even faster than Horn Bows, at the cost of lowest accuracy.
  • Tubular Bow: This bow is supported by a tube, through which kid arrows are shot. It has the longest draw time and lowest durability, but it shoots the fastest projectiles among all variants.

New Arrow Variants:

  • The Fletching Table now has a function in this mod.
  • Arrows: Shot with Bows, Horn Bows, Longbows, or Crossbows.
  • Kid Arrows: Shot with Tubular Bows, crafted by cutting their Arrow counterparts on the Fletching Table.
  • Tipped (Kid) Arrows: Golden (Kid) Arrows are especially conducive to magic, so they can be tipped with potions. To do so, fill a Cauldron with Potions and tip a Golden (Kid) Arrow.

Ranged Combat Changes:

  • Quiver
    • An item that can carry many slots’ worth of Arrows, Kid Arrows, and Firework Rockets. When held in the inventory (or the Trinkets mod Back slot) and the player pulls a bow, a projectile from the first valid stack is drawn.
  • Enchantments
    • All bow variants can now have: Power, Piercing, Punch, Flame, Multishot, Quick Charge, Unbreaking, and Mending.
    • Infinity is now a Quiver Treasure Enchantment, applicable by Anvil. Every time a projectile is drawn from an Inifinity-enchanted Quiver, there is a chance the arrow may not be consumed.
    • The probability depends on the arrow type, with stronger arrows having a lower chance to not be consumed.
    • Quick Charge is now a Treasure Enchantment, unobtainable by normal means. Each level of Quick Charge is enchanted onto a Bow by using three new items, detailed in Other Features.
  • Firework Rockets
    • Firework rockets are now affected by Bow Enchantments. The amount of damage done by exploding firework rockets have been buffed, and can be boosted by Power. When hit by a firework explosion, the target is also affected by Punch and Flame, scaled by the explosion strength. The durability cost of firework rockets have been modified, with higher tier Crossbows receiving less damage.
  • Projectile Behaviour
    • Projectiles recognised by this mod, vanilla and modded, are now thrown/shot with velocity of the thrower/shooter added. (An exception is made for Tridents, which is accounted for in the author’s SASSOT mod.)
    • Dispensers shoot projectiles at speeds proportional to their received power, and have increased accuracy and speed overall from vanilla.
    • Splash and Lingering Potions now have a cooldown, but may be stacked. An exception is made for Splash and Lingering Water Bottles, which have no cooldown.

Mob Ranged Combat:

  • Mobs that use Bows and Crossbows are now equipped with modded variants, shoot with modded arrows, and drop modded arrows. They also shoot at higher speeds and improved accuracy than in vanilla, scaled by World and Local Difficulties. Crossbow users also have a shorter interval between charging and shooting, making ranged attack mobs generally more dangerous.
  • By claiming an Archer Marker block, a villager can become an Archer, who use Bows to protect fellow Villagers, and take night watch shifts instead of sleeping every night. They attack Zombies, Raiders, and hostile Players, and gain Experience by killing enemies. The higher their Level, their shots are stronger and are able to use higher tier Bows. They cannot use Crossbows. A Player may equip an Archer with a Bow variant.
  • Fletchers now have modified trade offers in accordance with the mod. Also, if a Fletcher interacts with an Archer and both are of sufficient Level, there is a chance the Fletcher will upgrade the Archer’s Bow variant.

New Items:

  • Horsehair, Striderhair, and Hoglinhair: three uniquely obtained hair ingredients that can also be crafted into String. Three of Horsehair is required for Quick Charge I, Striderhair for Quick Charge II, and Hoglinhair for Quick Charge III. Put the Bow in the central slot of a Crafting Table, and the ingredients in a straight vertical line either to the left or the right.
  • Fireproof Lead: Craftable from Striderhair and Magma Cream, they are fireproof — your Nether mobs can be leashed without wasting Leads to the lava.
  • Copper nugget: Required to craft Copper Arrows.



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Trinkets Mod

LambDynamicLights Mod

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Progressive Archery Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) Download Links

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For Minecraft 1.20.1, 1.20

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For Minecraft 1.21.1, 1.21

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