Psychedelicraft Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) – Drugs and Alcohol
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January 13, 2024
❘ Author: Ivorius
❘ Available for: Fabric, Quilt
Psychedelicraft Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) is one of the oldest drug simulation mods for Minecraft. It introduces a range of features from brewing and distilling of alcohol, to smoking smoking mechanics and the ability to grow and harvest your own illicit substances. The aim of the mod is to strike a balance between accuracy and entertain-ability, utilizing shaders to recreate the effects in-game so that anyone can explore and learn about the plants and substances in this mod in a way that is both safe, fun, and educational.
Crafting Recipes:
Wooden Mugs
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Wooden mugs are a basic form of holding drinks. You’ll need it for one or two in this mod.
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Get grab some beer! The more you drink, the more drunk you get.
You can also buy beer from villager farmers.
Beer Barrel
Stores beer. Right click it with a wooden mug to get one, a barrel will hold 16 beer when placed.
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You get Wine by aging Grapes in Wine Barrels. It is a delicate way to get drunk
Villager farmers will also sell you wine grapes.
Younger wine will also fill your hunger bar a bit, so you need to be hungry to drink those.
Wine Grape Lattices
Used to grow Grape Vines.
You can get 1 by crafting
After placing them, you have to right click them with grapes. You can find your first from usual villager trades.
To harvest the grapes, once they are grown, cut them down with shears.
Wine Barrel
In a wine Barrel, wine grapes will age over days to get a higher percentage of alcohol – a usual wine takes at least a few days. But beware, if you age it for too long, it becomes vinegar – in other words, completely useless. Right click the barrel with a glass chalice to extract its delicious contents.
Sleeping does not count as minecraft time!
So, if you play two days and sleep two nights, the aging is about the same as if you would have played 1 day and 1 night. If you want the nights to count, you have to download a mod that simulates that time, like Somnia.
Glass chalice
To drink wine, you need glass chalices – obviously. You wouldn’t even consider drinking it from a mug – what, bowls? I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear that.
Molotov Cocktail
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Incendiary Bomb. You throw them with right click, and they will spread fire among your enemies. Use better wine for better explosions.
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Jenever is a (semi-)strong alcoholic drink. It’s made from Juniper berries, sugar, wine grapes…
You’ll find Juniper berries on Juniper trees, which spawn naturally in cold climates. Right click the leaves to get the berries, once they’re grown.
Once you’ve got everything set up, you can craft the Jenever barrels like so:
Right click a barrel with a wooden mug to get one of the 16 Jenever fillings.
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You can plant cannabis on tilled ground by using Cannabis Seeds. You get those from drug dealers. They will then grow up a few blocks, which you can then harvest.
You can then proceed to dry the buds and leaves in the drying table, and get dried cannabis. You either make hash muffins, smoke it using pipes, or create joints using cannabis and tobacco.
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Tobacco is a smokeable whose effect is really subtle and short-term. It’s used for cigarettes, havanas, and joints. You can also smoke it with your pipe [documented in ‘Cannabis’], or use it to craft joints [documented in ‘Cannabis’].
You can get tobacco seeds from villagers. Otherwise, they’ll also directly sell you cigarettes, havanas, or dried tobacco.
Magic Mushrooms
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By putting brown or red mushrooms in the drying table, you can get magic mushrooms of either color. You can simply eat them to get the effect.
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You can harvest coca plants for coca leaves. If you dry these, they can be treated to create coke. They say it’s a dangerous drug though, so beware
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Syringes are used for various kinds of ‘medical’ uses. Chemicals will have greater effects when inserted intravenously.
Drug dealer
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Drug dealers are new NPCs added into the game. If you are lucky, your newly spawned villages will have one or two. They sell all kinds of drugs, and sometimes they sell seeds, too. Right click them to trade like you would with normal villages.
Drying Table
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The drying table is a block used to dry your plants into something psychedelically influencing. The speed of the drying process is affected by the amount of light received, and the warmth of the biome you’re in.