Random Teleport Plugin (1.16.5, 1.12.2) – A Must For Factions And Survival Servers
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August 31, 2024
Random Teleport Plugin (1.16.5, 1.12.2) is designed for Factions and Survival servers, offering players the ability to teleport to random locations in the wilderness. This plugin helps players explore the world safely and without needing to travel far distances manually, making it ideal for survival-based gameplay.
- Random Teleportation: Allows players to instantly teleport to a random location in the wilderness, perfect for those seeking adventure or escaping crowded areas.
- Configurable Spawn Points: Server admins can define specific regions or biomes where players can be teleported, ensuring that teleportations occur in desirable and safe areas.
- Cooldown System: Prevents players from abusing the teleport feature by implementing customizable cooldown periods between uses.
- Permission-Based Access: Integrates with permission plugins, allowing server admins to control which groups or players have access to the random teleport feature.
- Safe Teleportation: Ensures that players are teleported to safe locations by checking for surrounding blocks and avoiding areas that could cause players to get stuck or take damage.
- Integration with Other Plugins: Compatible with popular server management plugins, making it easy to integrate into existing server setups without conflicts.
- User-Friendly Commands: Simple and intuitive commands for both players and admins, facilitating easy usage and management of the teleport feature.
- /rtp; /wild; /wilderness to teleport the player to random coordinates
- /rtp [player] [world | this] <biome> to teleport a player to a specified world and a specified biome
- /rtp reload to reload the configuration file
- /rtp cooldown [time(seconds)] to set the teleportation cooldown
- /rtp delay [time(seconds)] to set the delay before teleportation
- /rtp set [size(Integer)] to set the teleporation area.
- /rtp tpprotection [true|false] to toggle if players can be teleported or not in protected lands. True means that players will never be teleported to protected areas.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions: How To Download & Install Spigot Plugins
- Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Plugins
Random Teleport Plugin (1.16.5, 1.12.2) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft 1.8 to Minecraft 1.17.1
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