RandomPatches Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 contains a bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft. RandomPatches only contains features that require ASM transformers. Tweaks that don’t require ASM transformers go in RandomTweaks.
When installed on the client, RandomPatches should be completely compatible with vanilla servers, and when installed on a server, it should be completely compatible with vanilla clients. This also means that the client can connect with a different version of the mod to the one on the server.

RandomPatches mod for minecraft logo


Read and login timeouts

  • The read and login timeouts are hardcoded in vanilla Minecraft and are often not long enough for slower computers.
  • On Minecraft 1.9 and higher, RandomPatches allows you to configure the login timeout, and on Minecraft 1.12 and higher, the read timeout is also configurable.
  • By default, RandomPatches sets the read timeout to 90 seconds and the login timeout to 900 seconds.
  • The read timeout is the time the server waits for a response to the KeepAlive packet it sends every set interval. This interval can also be configured on Minecraft 1.9 and higher.
  • The read timeout is automatically rounded up to a product of the KeepAlive packet interval.
  • The login timeout generally has more impact than the read timeout.
  • This also sets the “fml.readTimeout” and “fml.loginTimeout” system properties.
  • These timeouts can be configured and take effect in-game unless the NetHandlerPlayServer patches are disabled in the configuration.

Force return to the title screen

  • In vanilla, the game returns to the Multiplayer/Realms menu when disconnecting from a server.
  • RandomPatches provides an option to force returning to the title screen after disconnecting.
  • This option is disabled by default.
  • This can be used in conjunction with ServerObserver. If you have auto-connect enabled and leave a server to go AFK, without this mod, ServerObserver automatically rejoins the server because Minecraft returns to the Multiplayer menu.
  • This can be configured and take effect in-game unless you set “patchTitleScreenOnDisconnect” to false.

Configurable player speed limits

  • On Minecraft 1.9 and higher, this removes the rubber banding and the “<Player> moved too quickly!” log spam that occurs when players move too fast.
  • The normal movement speed, elytra movement speed, and vehicle movement speed can be configured.
  • This feature disables itself if SpongeForge is installed since it already has this functionality.
  • These limits can be configured and take effect in-game unless the NetHandlerPlayServer patches are disabled in the configuration.

Faster language switching

  • Almost removes the lag from switching to another language.
  • This was taken from FastLang.
  • This cannot be toggled in-game.

Toggle Narrator keybind

  • Adds a Toggle Narrator keybind.
  • This is similar to Rebind Narrator, but RandomPatches’ version is slightly more consistent with vanilla behavior.
  • This feature disables itself when Rebind Narrator is installed.
  • Since the narrator was implemented in 1.12, this only works in Minecraft 1.12 and higher.
  • This feature cannot be enabled/disabled in-game.

End Portal tweaks

  • Fixes the End portal and End gateway break particle textures and improves End portal rendering.
  • In vanilla Minecraft, the particle textures are missing so they show as purple and black, and End portals only render from above.
  • RandomPatches changes this by adding its own particle textures and forcing portals to render from both up and down.
  • This feature only works on 1.11 and above and is completely client-side.
  • I am aware that on 1.13 and above, End portals use obsidian’s break particle textures. However, I think the ones I’m using now look better.
  • End portal rendering without RandomPatches:
  • RandomPatches mod for minecraft 21
  • End portal rendering with RandomPatches:
  • RandomPatches mod for minecraft 22
  • Break particle textures without RandomPatches:
  • RandomPatches mod for minecraft 23
  • Break particle textures with RandomPatches:
  • RandomPatches mod for minecraft 24

Recipe Book NBT Fix

  • This is a fix for MC-129057, which prevents ingredients with NBT data from being transferred to the crafting grid when a recipe is clicked in the recipe book.
  • Although RandomPatches’ fix is slightly more mod-compatible in theory, it disables itself when VanillaFix is installed.

Boat tweaks

  • This is a better implementation of the Buoyant Boats tweaks in CplPibald’s Tweaks.
  • The underwater boat buoyancy can be configured.
  • In vanilla, underwater boats have a buoyancy of -0.0007, which means they sink.
  • RandomPatches by default changes the buoyancy of underwater boats to 0.023, making them float and allowing them to travel upwards.
  • There is also an option to prevent underwater boat passengers from being ejected after 60 ticks (3 seconds), which is disabled by default.
  • Unlike CplPibald’s Tweaks, which creates a custom boat entity, RandomPatches works by patching the EntityBoat class, which makes this feature work with vanilla clients connecting to servers with this mod installed.
  • The underwater boat buoyancy and underwater boat passenger ejection prevention take effect in-game when changed.

Minecart AI Fix

  • This is just a very simple fix for MC-64836. This bug causes non-player entities to be able to use their AIs to move minecarts, which can interfere with automation.
  • This cannot be enabled/disabled in-game.

MC-2025 Fix

  • Fix for MC-2025. This only works on 1.10 and above, although it could be made to work for 1.8.
  • In vanilla Minecraft, entities’ bounding boxes are recalculated every time they are created. This is not always accurate, which can lead to entities suffocating.
  • RandomPatches fixes this by storing entities’ relative bounding boxes (in a tag list called RelativeAABB) and restoring them when they are created.

Remove potion glint

  • Removes the glowing effect from potions.
  • This option is disabled by default, and cannot be toggled in-game.
  • This was taken from NoMoreGlowingPots.

Skull stacking fix

  • In vanilla Minecraft, player skulls do not stack if they were obtained in different sessions.
  • RandomPatches fixes this by making Minecraft treat NBT tags as equal if the SkullOwner tags are functionally equivalent.
  • By default, skulls are only treated as equivalent if the textures are the same, but this can be disabled so that skulls with the same player profile are treated as the same.

Configurable window title/icon

  • This allows the window title and icon to be configured.
  • The title is set immediately and the icon is set a few seconds after the window is created.
  • This loads much earlier than It’s the little things’ version but will disable itself if ITLT is installed.
  • On versions below 1.9, the title and icon will load a bit later.
  • The title and icon are configurable in-game and are set to the vanilla title and icon by default.


  • All features are configurable.
  • On Minecraft 1.10 and higher, /rpreload reloads the server-side configuration and /rpreloadclient reloads the client-side configuration (which are the same thing in a singleplayer world).
  • On Minecraft 1.11 and higher, there is a configuration GUI. Many options can be changed in-game, and many also take effect in-game.
  • Using /rpreload or /rpreloadclient to reload the client-sided configuration does not update the window settings. Use the configuration GUI for this instead.

RandomPatches also allows other mods (namely RandomPortals) to replace the default Teleporter and portal renderer.


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RandomPatches Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9.4, 1.8.9

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.13.2

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.14.4

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.15.2

Forge version: Download from Server 1

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Forge version: Download from Server 1

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

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