Redstone Paste Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds a new form of redstone dust into the game, allowing you to transmit redstone signals across a variety of surfaces, including ceilings and walls.

Redstone Paste Mod

This mod adds a new kind of redstone wiring, Redstone Paste, as well as new repeaters and comparators. These new redstone wiring blocks allow for more versatile placement than their Vanilla counterparts, and can be hidden by slab blocks.

The placement of the paste is uniquely different than normal redstone, however. It can be applied to any of the four directions of a block face, allowing you to create compact redstone paths, and only direct current in the directions you desire. Individual segments can be removed by clicking them while highlighted, or you can remove the entire face at once by clicking outside of a highlighted area.

Paste can interact with dust when you explicitly connect to it. Otherwise it can run side by side without transmitting redstone current between them.


Redstone Paste Mod adds a new form of redstone dust into the game, allowing you to transmit redstone signals across a variety of surfaces, including ceilings and walls. Also included are sticky repeaters and sticky comparators, to keep your redstone current strong or do complex logic no matter where you decide to run your paste.


The placement of the paste is uniquely different than normal redstone, however. It can be applied to any of the four directions of a block face, allowing you to create compact redstone paths, and only direct current in the directions you desire. Individual segments can be removed by clicking them while highlighted, or you can remove the entire face at once by clicking the center area.

Holding the sneak key allows you to place both the segment you’ve selected as well as the one opposite. If sneaking when placing paste in the center area, it will place paste in all four directions of the face.

Paste can interact with dust when you explicitly connect to it. Otherwise it can run side by side without transmitting redstone current between them.


You can hide paste, sticky repeaters, and sticky comparators using half-slabs by right-clicking them while holding one. A ghost image of the slab will appear when it’s possible to cover it. You can even place them vertically!


To remove it, simply break with your hand or any tool. Note that only one Redstone Paste object (paste, sticky repeater, sticky comparator) is allowed within a block space in order to be covered with a slab.

This feature works with slabs from any mod which derive from Minecraft’s standard slab classes. Biomes O’ Plenty is tested to be compatible.

Since the stone slab has a unique texture compared to stone blocks, it will instead take the appearance of a stone block when applied to paste to blend in better.

The Redstone Paste can be placed in a variety of directions that will allow you create a more compact redstone path. It breaks up the blocks into four sections. Each section can be removed after placed or you can click the center of the block to remove the paste from the whole block.

Probably the best feature of this mod is the ability to place the paste underneath slabs. This allows you to create a much more compact system. You can even place a slab over the path on a wall.

You can also use the paste in conjunction with regular redstone if you directly connect the lines. However, you can use it independently running next to redstone and still maintain both connections without any issue.


Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 1

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 2

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 3

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 4

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 5

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 6

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 7

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 8

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 9

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 10

Redstone Paste Mod Screenshots 11

Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod


The crafting recipe is shapeless, consisting of simply a piece of redstone dust and a slimeball, yielding four pieces of paste. The config file allows you to specify how many pieces of paste the recipe gives, as well as providing an alternate recipe of a slimeball surrounded by redstone dust. You might wish to use these settings to better balance your game, depending on factors such as other mods you have installed, availability of slimeballs, or the intended focus of your game.


The recipe for sticky repeaters is equally simple.


As are sticky comparators.


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

Redstone Paste Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.5.2

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For Minecraft 1.6.4/1.6.2

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For Minecraft 1.11.2

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For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12.1, 1.12

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