Redstone Utilities Addon (1.19) adds some blocks and items to use along with redstone, the additions are very useful and can bring a new experience to the player.


  • An important thing to know: blocks that need to be in contact with redstone can only be activated with a redstone wire, it does not work with other redstone sources such as repeaters, comparators, redstone blocks, etc…
  • The blocks that send redstone signal, only send to redstone repeaters, not send to wires or any other block.

Added Blocks:

Block Placer:

  • That block is capable of automatically placing blocks contained within it.
  • Works with any block of any addon.

Block Observer:

  • This block detects specific blocks contained within it, and sends a redstone signal to a “redstone repeater”.

Vertical Transmitter:

  • Sends redstone signal wirelessly vertically at a height of up to 20 blocks.
  • Transmitter block -> sends a signal via redstone wire
  • Receiver block -> receives signal by redstone repeater

LED Lamp:

  • Receives wireless signal and turns on.

Wireless Lever:

  • Sends a wireless redstone signal to a Wireless Receiver. Depending on the corresponding color.

Block Breaker:

  • This block has the block ability when it is in contact with a “wire of redstone”.
  • This block is not able to destroy bedrock and obsidian.

Tree Sawyer:

  • This block breaks the entire tree when it is in contact with a redstone wire.


  • This block puts out an infinite fire when it comes in contact with a redstone wire.


  • This block generates “wither boss”, “iron golem” and “snow golem” by spending the blocks placed in its interface. basically, he places the golems according to his interior. (needs to be in contact with redstone wire)


  • This block fertilizes crops and waters the land around it, it only works when it has “bone meal” in its interior interface and when it is connected to a redstone wire, which can only be placed underneath.

Redstone Clock:

This block emits a redstone signal from time to time, as programmed.

  • 0 second
  • 1 second
  • 5 seconds
  • 10 seconds
  • 15 seconds
  • 20 seconds
  • 30 seconds
  • 60 seconds

Redstone Toggle Latch:

  • When it receives a redstone signal, it deactivates, if it receives it again, it activates, so on… one of the most useful blocks in the addon, as it turns any signal into a lever.

Wireless Receiver:

  • This block receives wireless redstone signals, just select the frequency (by clicking with color pigments).

Wireless Transmitter:

  • This block is one of the wireless redstone signal transmitters, just connect a redstone wire, select the frequency (using the pigments with colors) and the signal will be sent to a wireless receiver.

Wireless Button:

  • This button works like the Wireless Transmitter, but it’s like a button.

Redstone Control:

  • This item is capable of sending wireless redstone signal like a remote control, its frequency is selected by using the item while it is sneaking.

Rain Sensor:

  • If it’s raining, send a redstone signal.

Entity Sensor:

  • If it’s in player mode and there’s a player nearby, it sends a redstone signal.
  • If it is in multi-entity mode and there is an entity nearby, it sends a redstone signal.

Ender Plate:

  • If connected with a redstone wire, teleports all items within 10 blocks to self.

Trapped Crafting Table:

  • Is a workbench that when interacted, sends a redstone signal to a redstone repeater.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE

How To Install Map on Minecraft PE

Redstone Utilities Addon (1.19) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.19

mcaddon: Download from server 1Download from server 2

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