Homepage » MCPE/Bedrock » MCPE Mods & Addons » Rule Villages Addon (1.20, 1.19) – MCPE/Bedrock Mod
Rule Villages Addon (1.20, 1.19) – MCPE/Bedrock Mod
Rule Villages Addon (1.20, 1.19) enhances villages by adding a village controller that collects 13 items from different villagers professions. However, using a controller also increases the chance of illager raids, which are more challenging.
- You can protect the village by hiring guards from the villagers.
- The items from the village can be further refined in blast furnaces, smokers, or brewing stands. This mod aims to balance the trades and items values, making it easier to obtain decorative blocks with the production chains, but not affecting the usefulness of other items.
- You can also mine with golems and use them as cannons against raids. Moreover, you have a new transport option with an improved mule and a tnt minecart that can load chunks and carry items by rail.
Illager Threat:
They have both a melee and a ranged attack mode, exactly like the village guards, and are more aggressive in initiating the attacks, especially at range.
Like Vindicators, Ravagers, and Evokers now they are capable of destroying fence gates and breaking down wooden doors.
Now they do not despawn, so the patrols around the world will keep increasing their numbers if you don’t get rid of them, but they now spawn farther away from the player, less frequently, and killing a captain does not cause a bad omen effect. To have an actual siege/raid you need the village controller in a village.
Now are much more dangerous, you are not safe behind walls…as you can see from the pictures cobblestone has been placed to patch the holes from ravager shelling.
-Ravagers have a ranged explosive attack in addition to the vanilla melee and roar attacks. Their ranged attacks also set fires for the explosion, often breaking through manned walls.
-Every 1 minute they will launch a TNT VEX, that will search and explode near their targets, SO UNDERGROUND BASES ARE NOT SAFE, also hiding behind the walls is no more an option because they will keep launching TNT VEXes while the raid is still in progress and they are alive.
-Vindicators, Pillagers, Evokers, and Witches that are part of the raid will also launch 1 TNT VEXes every 3 minutes, so you must kill them, even f they hide during the raid waves.
As per version 1.20 you have 2 raids in a row, this is a vanilla Minecraft “bug”, that has been officially reported and awaiting an official fix:
Village Guards:
Villagers can now interact with an Iron block, if they are adults, to enlist them into the army and become Village guards.
Guards now spawn instead of iron golems, when created by the villages, all the nitwits are enlisted in the army automatically.
They are equipped with full iron armor and both a crossbow and an iron sword, they will switch between the two modes about the distance of the target.
They are capable of swimming and breathing underwater, suffer no fall damage, and are easily controllable.
They have 20 HP but also a passive regen.
They target all monsters except endermen and phantoms. They target successful creepers.
If tamed they attack anything that hurts the owner or is the target of the owner BUT THEY DO NOT target other guards or iron golems, nor other players, because they are neutral with all players.
Players and other guards can’t damage them, so in an intense fight, you can fight without worrying of hitting them. To discard them use a wooden hoe.
-After enlisting they are in “PATROL MODE”, when in this mode they roam inside the village, like the iron golem would, if they get far from the village they are forced to return. If in the wild in this mode and a village is nearby they will go to the village, otherwise they roam patrolling freely. In this mode, they have an iron helmet equipped.
-Interacting sneaking with a torch while they are in “PATROL MODE” put them in “SENTINEL MODE”, in this case, they will hold their ground no matter what and are forced into the ranged attack with their crossbow, they will have a leather helmet equipped. Sneak interact to revert.
– You can hire them, “taming” them with an emerald block. When tamed they will accept MODE change, demobilization and despawn orders only from the owner, with all the benefits. They equip a shield to signal when are hired.
– A hired guard can interact with a torch without sneaking to switch between “PATROL MODE” or “SENTINEL MODE” into “FOLLOWING MODE”. When following, the guard will equip a diamond helmet and will stay within 10 10-block radius from the owner, behaving like tamed wolves, but with a better following AI.
-Leashing/Unleashing a guard also switches between “PATROL MODE” and “SENTINEL MODE”.
-Interacting with an Iron Hoe will turn them back into a villager.
-Interacting with a wooden Hoe will despawn them.
-Interacting with baked potatoes or any cooked meat (except cooked chicken) will grant them 10 minutes of regeneration I.
-Interacting with an iron ingot gives them strength 2 and resistance 1 for 10 minutes and resupply their armor if they break it.
-Are tempted by torches, so if you hold one in your hand they will follow you closely ignoring everything else, useful for fine control when needed.
Village Controller:
Is a new entity, a block statue, which stays put where you place it. IT MUST BE INSIDE A VILLAGE otherwise will explode.
When placed it searches for other village controllers inside a 70-block radius, if found it will explode, this is because only one village controller is allowed per small village.
It is crafted from 6 copper blocks and 3 emerald blocks. Cannot be damaged by players or guards and has 1000 hp, it is neutral to any mobs so ignored in fights. But if the village falls, (all the villagers are killed or all beds destroyed), it will fall. To discard it use a wooden hoe.
The village controller acts as a “Resource collection point” for the village and will produce 13 vanilla products, one for each villager profession, placing the produce inside its inventory, that you can open.
It has different textures to indicate when you are the owner, when it is chunkloading etc.
Has the writing “IN” on top, indicating that it has also item hopper capabilities, so if you drop something on top or place a chest on top of it, it will siphon the content.
If you place a hopper or use a minecart hopper below the controller, you can collect the resources and also sort them with your trusted vanilla sorting system.
To have the produce you actually must have a relative profession in the village. I.e. Armorer produces raw iron, so if you have an armorer in the village, the controller will collect raw iron. Having more than one villager of the same profession doesn’t increase the controller production for the relative item.
SIEGE DANGER: while the village controller is in the village and also a player is in the village there is a small chance an Illager raid will start. Statistically, a siege will happen by chance every 18 Minecraft days.
Before you can do any of the following interactions, you must “tame” the controller with a GOLD INGOT, because only the owner of the controller will be able to do the following interactions:
-Interacting with a gold block, a siege will start.
-Interacting with a wooden hoe will despawn it, destroying it.
-Interacting with an emerald block will start a siege immediately but will also grant 15 days of chunkloading capabilities to the statue, in a 4-chunk radius. So the village can continue to produce while you are away. Win the siege first though…otherwise while the village is chunkloaded the enemies will continue to fight. After 15 Minecraft days of chunkloading the village controller will despawn.
-Interacting with a single emerald, while the player has the effect hero of the village, will also grant 15 days of chunkloading capabilities in a 4-chunk radius removing the hero effect from the player. After 15 Minecraft days of chunk loading the village controller will despawn.
-Interacting with a nether star will eliminate any siege danger chance for that particular controller, but it will not be able to chunkload. (Mutually exclusive with emerald unloading and dragon egg)
-Interacting with a dragon egg will let the controller chunkload a 6-chunk radius forever, but normal siege danger is still possible. (Mutually exclusive with emerald unloading and nether star).
Iron Golems:
Now can’t be produced anymore by villagers…but can still be manufactured by the player. They now are more passive but also much more versatile. They will no longer roam freely and move unless they need to close in for melee combat.
They can be ridden to easily move them around, note though that while riding a golem it will respond only to your movement command and will not attack anything. Also, they do not auto jump, so you must manually jump them when riding, but they can power jump like horses.
They receive no damage from players and guards or other iron golems, to discard them use a wooden hoe.
They now receive extra damage from explosions, lightning, and wither/dragon.
They cannot be interacted with while you ride them.
They have different textures to indicate if they are in normal mode, mining mode, or cannon mode.
-Using an iron ingot still, repair them at 25% HP;
-Using a wooden hoe will kill them despawning them if you need to get rid of them;
-Are tempted by torches in hand, like the village guards.
-Sneak interacts with a torch to enable/disable hold ground mode, while holding ground the Golem is 1.5x bigger.
-Interacted with a Copper block will enable ADVANCED FUNCTIONS for 10 minutes, other than giving them strength 2 for that time;
while advanced functions are enabled:
-Interacting with a coal block, if they are not holding position, gives them 60 seconds of MINING MODE. While in this mode they break blocks in a surface of 5×3, so you can ride them to quickly quarry a large area, but keep in mind that while in this mode they move very slowly, so you will need a lot of coal. Note that activating the MINING MODE will damage 30 HP from the golem, so you will need to repair it with iron from time to time.
-Interacting with a fire charge gives them 60 seconds of powerful ranged attack, “CANNON MODE”, they use explosive bolts that deal 25 hp of damage, also their engaging range is very high. Note that they will not fire while in cannon mode if you ride them, they will find their targets themselves.
-If one of the two advanced functions is enabled if you interact with a torch without sneaking will disable either the mining mode or the cannon mode.
MULES (Multi Utility Land Engine):
Can’t be bred anymore from horses and donkeys, because they are now a mechanical unit similar to a minecart that must be crafted.
They come with an accessible inventory, the space of a chest, fall, fire, and lava immunity. They also are immune to player and guard/golem damage, so you need to use a wooden hoe to discard them.
They float in water and lava. ( To return to the land you must dig a hole 2-3 blocks wide and 3 blocks deep towards the land to let the flowing water or lava let you return to land).
When not fueled they can’t move.
They can be interacted with while riding them.
They have different textures if in normal mode or tree capital mode.
-Interacting with 1 coal fuels them for 60 seconds, they have quite good speed, easy control, and can power jump very high, also have slow falling.
-Interacting with 1 COAL BLOCK fuels them for 10 minutes and also enables the “CHOPPING MODE”: further Interacting with 1 IRON INGOT makes the mule break any leaves and Oak, Acacia, Mangrove, bamboo, and cherry logs in a 3×40 surface, so you can easily chop down even the highest trees. After the 60 seconds of Chopping mode, the fuel time is also depleted because it’s an energy-intensive operation.
-Interacting with phantom membranes, while they are powered with coal or coal block and not in chopping mode AND THE PLAYER HAS THE ELYTRA EQUIPPED, will give levitation for 10 seconds and high speed for 20 seconds, so it will be like flying.
-interacting with 1 copper ingot will heal the mule 100% HP.
-Interacting with a wooden hoe will destroy it, despawning it.
-Interacting with a torch while they are fueled will shut the engine, consuming all the fuel left.
While they are not fueled:
-Interacting with a torch makes it slightly bigger and capable of pulling in up to 9 guards and golems in the right seat, so you can transport them easily, interact again with a torch while the engine is off to revert to normal transporting mode, forcing the passengers to dismount;
-Interacting with 1 WHEAT makes it slightly bigger and capable of pulling in up to 2 of any entity, useful to transport villagers and animals, interact with a torch while the engine is off to revert to normal transportation mode, forcing all the passengers to dismount;
-Interacting with 1 NETHERRACK makes it way bigger and capable of pulling in up to 9 guards and golems in the right seats, this mode is intended for use on the lava because with this size you can float over lava safely inside a mule. Interact with a torch while the engine is off to revert to normal transportation mode, forcing all the passengers to dismount;
Hint: to make passengers dismount it is better to interact with a torch while you are riding them.
TNT Minecraft (Long Range Transporter):
This is no longer a TNT minecart! Instead, it acts as a chest minecart…with hopper and chunkloading capabilities. It chunk loads a 2-chunk radius, useful for automatic long-range transportation. The recipe now requires a village controller.
Also to prevent economic exploitations it will explode if inside a village, so it cannot be used to chunk load a village. If you need to transport goods from villages to your far-away industrial complex you will need to build an off-village loading station.
To check if you are off the village you can use a village guard, you can tempt or make it follow you to the place you want to check and turn it into patrol mode, if the guards are agitated to return to the village you are actually off village, if the guard is normally patrolling then you are in the village.
If you are clearly in the wild, there is no need to check, you are off the village and the tnt minecart will not explode.
Piglin Barter, Villagers Trade, Wandering Traders Trades:
Are now better and reflect also the uses of the new “MANUFACTURING SYSTEM”, you will find that a lot has changed here. Professions like armorer, weaponsmith, and leatherworker will sell more useful enchanted items, balanced with the diamond ones, they will reward you if you sell them exotic things, for example looting ancient cities, ocean monument now is more useful because you can sell that unique loot for lots of emeralds and trader xp.
Piglin Barter has been changed to offer only useful things to survive in the nether, with a very small possibility of receiving ancient debris, also all the barter items offered by the piglins can be sold to one of the villager’s profession for one emerald, creating a rewarding loop to inter-trade between nether and overworld.
The wandering trader accepts some bartering items of the piglings and now offers much, much more to be bought and finally you can sell to the wandering trader a lot of refined products or loot.
Other Changes to Vanilla:
Many new recipes have been added, the majority involving the new “MANUFACTURING SYSTEM” that will be explained later.
Can no more pull in any entities except for players and MULES, to prevent exploitations, you can still transport entities with minecarts and mules and then embark the mule inside the boat.
They don’t drop gunpowder anymore (see later how to produce it) unless they are killed with a looting weapon. This is for balance reasons.
is now 9 gunpowder.
Have their recipe altered, they are much more expensive, for balance reasons.
Have now alternate recipes, normal rails in particular can be crafted either with iron or with copper, the copper recipe uses also coal.
One gold ingot makes 4 gold nuggets and 4 gold nuggets make a gold ingot.
They require only 5 prismarine crystals.
Now they detect enemies further (24 range instead of vanilla 16) and are aggravated also by breaking nether quartz ore and Ancient Debris.
They are aggravated by breaking nether ores the same as Piglings.
now requires 9 blaze rods to craft 1 blaze powder, this is for balance reasons and also because blaze powder has very high-tech uses (see manufacturing system cleric chain).
are now much, much more expensive to craft because they are now treated as the machines of the new “Manufacturing System” (See later). Also, the things that smokers and blast furnaces do in vanilla can be done with a normal furnace, so a new use for them is nice.
Can also be crafted with 8 copper ingots.
the recipe is modified, involving 1 TNT and 1 firework rocket. When shot from a dispenser it is an exploding cannon shell.
Can be duped with a recipe, like armor trims. The recipe needs phantom membranes.
Is craftable with 1 copper ingot and 2 coal
Can be duped using lapis blocks
Can be crafted with iron and prismarine shards;
Can be crafted with prismarine shards;
can be duped with 8 leather instead of all those diamonds, except for the netherite armor upgrade.
can be duped with 8 prismarine blocks.
can be crafted from observers and some other materials.
has a lot of more uses, in particular, can be used to craft overworld ores, in various combinations. This gives a reward to dangerously mine in the nether (piglings and pigment are now aggravated to mining nether quartz!).
Nether quartz can be used in a blast furnace to turn it into Amethyst or in a smoker to turn it into coal.
now graphically appears like a copper armor and it is crafted with copper.
are craftable with 9 strings
LAPIS to experience
Lapis in a blast furnace turn into enchanted bottles.
Fire potion and saddle in the smoker
the first is turned into a water bottle, the second in a coal block. (This is because of balance reasons and changes to piglin barter)
Manufacturing System:
As stated before, the village controller will collect items for each villager that has a profession, villagers with the same profession will only collect for one. Villagers can have one of 13 professions in vanilla, excluding unemployed and nitwits, the latter are automatically turned into guards if they grow up into nitwits.
The collection cycle is distributed in the Minecraft day, for a total of two cycles, one during the day and one during the night. So for example the farmer will produce at sunrise and sunset, while the librarian at midday and midnight etc.
The village controller will place the produce in its inventory that you can access but you can also place a hopper or minecart with a hopper below the village controller block statute, so you can automatically sort the items with a vanilla sorting system or minecart hopper system to distribute for your uses.
Each of the items produced by the villagers can then be further processed inside Smokers, Blast Furnaces or Brewing stands to manufacture more refined products in often long manufacturing chains that you can automate using all vanilla systems (auto smelters, hopper item filters, minecart systems, etc.
Let’s see the production chains in detail:
-TOOLSMITH: [Produces 16 – 32 mangrove logs per cycle, which can be transmuted into any other overworld log using the stonecutter], Mangrove logs can be further processed into the following SMOKER chain:
- Charcoal [which can be transmuted into Ice using any stonecutter]
- Obsidian [which can be transmuted into Packed ice using any stonecutter]
- Crying Obsidian [which can be transmuted into blue ice using any stonecutter]
- Coal
- Firework rocket
Putting mangrove logs in a blast furnace turns them into dried kelp.
-STONE MASON: [Produces 64 – 128 cobblestones per cycle] that can be further processed in the following BLAST FURNACE chain to have:
- Stone [which can be transmuted in any stonecutter into Deepslate and cracked stone bricks]
- Refined Stone [which can be transmuted in any stonecutter into andesite, diorite, and granite]
- Quartz block [which can be transmuted in any stonecutter into Refined quartz block, Tuff, Calcite, and dripstones] (note that the quartz block can’t be crafted into nether quartz, which is a more high-tier material than a block with only aesthetic purposes.
Putting cobblestone in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-LEATHER WORKER: [Produces 64 – 128 gravel per cycle] that can be further processed in the BLAST FURNACE to have the following chain:
- Sand [which can be transmuted in red sand in any stonecutter]
- Glass [which can be transmuted into Tinted glass in any stonecutter]
- Sandstone [which can be transmuted into Red Sandstone and any color concrete powder in any stonecutter]
- Smooth Sandstone [ which can be transmuted into Red Smooth Sandstone and any color concrete in any stonecutter]
- Flint [which can be further processed into a smoker to obtain a mangrove log]
Putting gravel in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-FISHERMAN: [Produces 64 – 128 dirt per cycle] that can be further processed in the BLAST FURNACE to have the following chain:
- Mud [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into mangrove roots and mud with roots]
- Clay block [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into compact mud and mud bricks]
- Bricks [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into terracotta and single brick]
- Prismarine [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into all other pristine variants]
Putting dirt in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-CARTOGRAPHER: [Produces 64 – 128 netherrack per cycle] that can be further processed in the BLAST FURNACE to have the following chain:
- Nether Brick [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into all variants of Nether Bricks]
- Endstone [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into purpura block]
- Blackstone [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into Basalt and Polished Basalt]
- Soul Terrain [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into soul sand]
Putting netherrack in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-FLETCHER: [Produces 12 – 24 sugar canes per cycle] that can be further processed in the BLAST FURNACE to have the following chain:
- Podsol [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into all flower types, all dirt types, leaves variants, and other biota]
- Crimsom Stem [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into warped stem, all alliums variants and warts variants]
- Bone meal
- Brown fungus
- Red fungus
- Crimson fungus
- Warped Fungus
- Gunpowder
Putting sugar cane in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-SHEPHERD: [Produces 12 – 24 honeycomb per cycle] which can be further processed in a BLAST FURNACE to have the following chain:
- White wool
- slime [Slime blocks can be transmuted in a stonecutter into honey blocks]
- Feather
- Ink sak
- Glow Ink sac
- Leather
- String
Putting honeycomb in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-FARMER: [produces 6 -12 pumpkins per cycle] which can be further processed in a SMOKER to have the following chain:
- Melon
- Wheat
- Carrot
- Cocoa [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into a cookie, sweet berries, and gold berries]
- Apple
- Potato
- Baked Potato [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into bread]
- Honey bottle [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into beetroot soup or mushroom soup[
- Pumpkin pie [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into rabbit stew]
- Cake
- Raw Porkchop [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into any raw meat or fish]
Putting pumpkins in a blast furnace turns them into dried kelp.
-BUTCHER: [Produces 8 – 16 raw copper per cycle] which can be further processed in a BLAST FURNACE to have the following chain:
- Copper ingot
- Glowstone block
- Lantern
- Shroomlight
- Ochre light [which can be transmuted in a stonecutter into other foglight variants]
- Sea Lantern
- End Rod
- Redstone
Putting raw copper in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-LIBRARIAN: [Produces 2 -4 raw gold per cycle] which can be processed into a gold ingot in a blast furnace
Putting raw gold in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-ARMORER: [Produces 4 – 8 raw iron per cycle] which can be processed into an iron ingot in a blast furnace
Putting raw iron in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-WEAPONSMITH: [has 50% chance of producing a diamond per cycle]
Putting diamonds in a smoker turns it into mangrove planks [fuel].
-CLERIC: [Produces exactly 2 ghast tears per cycle, which is a very powerful substance now]
Putting ghast tears in a smoker turns them into mangrove planks [fuel].
Ghast tears can be obtained also from prismarine shards and by putting in stonecutter echo shards, disk fragments, shook shriekers, and catalysts.
When placed in a BLAST FURNACE ghast tears turn into Lingering potions of swiftness, which is not stackable but can be hopper automated as input of brewing stands, this solution can be put in a BLAST FURNACE to turn it back to Ghast tears, which is a stackable item.
The lingering potions of swiftness are the input that can be used in the brewing stands bottom slots for advanced manufacturing (doubling and even tripling the reagent] when used with the following reagents (top slots):
- Diamonds
- Gold ingots
- Iron Ingots
- Copper Ingots
- Ender Pearls
- Spider Eyes
- Magma Cream
- Rabbit Foot
- Pufferfish
- Scute
- Blaze Powder
- Quartz
- Lapis
Almost every item you can manufacture using the manufacturing chains can be sold to villagers for emeralds, the revenue is higher the further the item is in the production chain and the villager level is, i.e. you can trade to the level 2 Shepherd 21 wool for an emerald but also to the lvl 4 shepherd 9 leather for an emerald, so if you process the wool in the blast furnace chain from that 21 wool you can obtain 21 leather which is 2 at least 2 emeralds instead of 1 with 3 spare leather remaining.
Processing in blast furnaces requires fuel though, so you need to power them, you can use any vanilla fuel or you can use SMOKERS to produce fuel. As described above, SMOKER chains can process TOOLSMITH PRODUCE and FARMER PRODUCE turning them into refined fuels or refined food respectively, but SMOKERS can process also all produce of the other villagers turning them into MANGROVE PLANKS to be recycled as fuel for your smokers and furnaces. So if you make an item sorter to collect items from the village controller you don’t need an incinerator at the end of the hopper chain, you can put everything into a smoker to recycle them into useful fuel, it is a good way to use materials you don’t need, for example, lots of netherrack to turn it into fuel, processing it in the SMOKER.
Other than all the primary products, smokers can turn the following into fuel:
Cobbled deepslate, andesite, diorite, granite, tuff, calcite, sand, glass, sandstone, polished sandstone, basalt, Blackstone, soul terrain and soul sand, Ice, Podsol, stems, and terracotta you find in mesa biomes.
make sure you don’t have tnt minecarts inside villages other,ise they will explode, also the changes to villages and wandering trades will apply only to new ones.
Any third mod that changes any of the things mentioned in this guide, for example, villagers, villagers trades, mules, iron golems, the vanilla recipes here changed and so on will break the balance and functionalities of this mod.
If you have a mod that has a custom player.json you may need the PVP version of this addon, note that other custom player.json could prevent the raid from happening at all.
Installation Note:
Treat it as any other addon, you need to install the resource pack and one of the two behavior packs, full or PvP version.
With Minecraft bedrock version 1.20 and higher no experiments are needed to play the mod, you can still enable them if other mods require them.
There are 2 behavior pack versions of this addon:
Has all the features described on this page but also prevents PVP, cactus, sweet berries, and magma blocks damage to the player because of a custom player.json file that prevents guards and Iron golems ranged friendly fire, and it is intended for single-player or public PVE only servers that allow chunk loading.
- Player.json is not modified, so pvp is possible at the cost of receiving friendly fire from guards and golems ranged attacks,
- TNT minecarts are not modified, so they are not the chunk-loading hopper long-range transports of the FULL Version,
- Village controllers cannot interact with Emerald blocks, emeralds, or dragon eggs all chunk-loading modes are not possible in this version.
- All these changes make this version of the addon Public server-friendly. If you want a version for a single player or a public server with only PVE you can try the FULL VERSION.
How to install:
How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE
How To Install Texture Packs on Minecraft PE
How To Install Map on Minecraft PE
Rule Villages Addon (1.20, 1.19) Download Links
For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.20, 1.19
Behavior (Full Version): Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Behavior (PvP Version): Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Resource: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2








