Want to prank your best friend in Minecraft? This addon is perfect for that! Scare Your Friends Addon (1.21) provides function commands to create jumpscares, play creepy sounds, and more.


This addon is ideal for scaring your friends with creepy jump scares or simply confusing them while playing. The best part? You can target a specific player anywhere by giving them a tag named “victim.”

In case you don’t know, a tag command enables you to mark a player with a specific function from the rest of the players. To give the required tag, write the following command on chat:

  • /tag PLAYER NAME HERE add victim

Currently, there are only 15 function variations that can be used:

Before running any function, be careful when writing in chat “/function”. A list of functions with the start of the word “DO_NOT_RUN/”  will appear. Please ignore them and DO NOT run any of the functions inside that folder, they may break the Add-on if used!

Now that you know what this Add-on does, we can start describing every function and how to use them correctly to make the pranks more realistic.

You can skip this part if you want but we highly recommend you to read them. It will help you make it more real:

  • /function herobrine_appear
  • /function herobrine_totem
  • /function herobrine_jumpscare
  • /function jumpscare
  • /function fakee_steve
  • /function fake_notch
  • /function fake_dream
  • /function fake_mrbeast
  • /function i_see_you
  • /function fake_steps
  • /function lava
  • /function falling_anvils
  • /function zombie_horde
  • /function spawn_wither

If you are experiencing some issues when running the functions, there is a function made specifically for this problem: /function RESET.

This function will reset everything even the players who had the “victim” tag given to them. To give them back it, just do the command said in the introduction block.


Installation Note:

  • Make sure you turn on the Experimental Gameplay.

How to install:

How To Install Mod / Addon on Minecraft PE

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Scare Your Friends Addon (1.21) Download Links

For Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21

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