ScreamingBedWars Plugin (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is the plugin that supports any version from 1.9.4 to 1.19 and is ready to support any future version. Almost all things are configurable (in config.yml or for the game by using admin commands, or for both).


  • All the basics of BedWars game (Beds, Teams and so on)
  • Shop that supports multi-shop per arena!
  • BungeeCord
  • Vault rewards
  • Spectator mode (now, spectators can join running game!)
  • Arena rebuilding (fast af)
  • BossBar or XP bar in lobby countdown or with game time
  • Breakable (those are refreshing after arena rebuild) / ignored blocks
  • SpecialItems (RescuePlatform, TNTSheep and so on) – they can be configured in shop too!


  • Team selecting GUI
  • Auto coloring items (like armor and so)
  • Resource Spawners (you can have as much as you want)
  • Player statistics
  • And many more useful features..


Player commands (no permissions needed):

  • /bw join – Join to arena
  • /bw leave – Leave from arena
  • /bw list – List of active games
  • /bw stats – Show your statistics
  • /bw rejoin – Join again to latest game you played
  • /bw autojoin – Join to first waiting game

Needed Admin permission or

  • /bw stats [player] – Show statistics of player

Admin commands (needed permission:

  • /bw reload – Reloads plugin
  • /bw dump – Uploads dump with useful information and gives you link that you can provide on our discord
  • /bw mainlobby [enable|set] – Enables main lobby or sets main lobby location
  • /bw addholo – Adds hologram to player’s location
  • /bw removeholo – After executing this command, the player can right-click the holographic statistic to remove it.
  • /bw admin <arena> info [section] – Show you all information about arena
  • /bw admin <arena> add – Create new arena
  • /bw admin <arena> lobby – Sets lobby position to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> spec – Sets specatator’s position to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> pos1 – Sets the extreme point of the arena to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> pos2 – Sets the second extreme point of the arena to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> pausecountdown <seconds> – Sets the pause duration before game starts
  • /bw admin <arena> minplayers <minimum> – Sets minimum of players needed to start the game
  • /bw admin <arena> time <seconds> – Sets the game duration
  • /bw admin <arena> team add <team> <color> <max players> – Add team to game
  • /bw admin <arena> team color <team> <color> – Change team color
  • /bw admin <arena> team maxplayers <team> <max players> – Change max team players
  • /bw admin <arena> team spawn <team> – Sets team spawn to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> team bed <team> – Sets team bed to your target position
  • /bw admin <arena> jointeam <team> – Sets the ability to connect to a team using an entity
  • /bw admin <arena> spawner add <bronze|gold|iron> [enable hologram] [starting level – default: 1] [custom name] [[team name] [max spawned resources] or just [max spawned resources] without team name] – Add item spawner to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> spawner reset – Remove all spawners
  • /bw admin <arena> store add [name of villager entity] [file with shop] [use main shop] – Add trading villager to your position
  • /bw admin <arena> store remove – Remove trading villager from your position
  • /bw admin <arena> store type <living entity> – Sets entity type of store (Villager, Horse, Cow, Pig etc.)
  • /bw admin <arena> config <constant> <value> – Sets value of constant variable for game
  • /bw admin <arena> arenatime <type> – Sets time in arena (DAY, NIGHT, etc.)
  • /bw admin <arena> arenaweather <type> – Sets weather in arena (default, CLEAN, DOWNFALL)
  • /bw admin <arena> remove – Remove the arena
  • /bw admin <arena> edit – Turns the game off and switches the arena to edit mode
  • /bw admin <arena> save – Saves the game and activates it!

Sign creation:

  • On the first line write [BedWars] or [BWGame]
  • On the second line the name of arena for join or leave for leave
  • For the first sign update join to game

Arena creation:

Create new arena with command: /bw admin add
Then set arena size by setting two positions: /bw admin pos1 and /bw admin pos2
Add spectator spawn: /bw admin spec
Add some resource spawners to your position with command /bw admin spawner add <bronze|gold|iron> Then spawn Villager stores with: /bw admin store add
Now create teams:

  • Run command /bw admin <game name> team add <Your team name> <team color> <max players>
  • Stand up where you want set team spawn and run command: /bw admin <game name> team spawn <team name>
  • Then look at team bed (all kind of beds supported) and run command /bw admin <game name> team bed <team name>
  • You must create at least 2 teams

Then go to lobby and execute /bw admin lobby
Now all basic things are set so you can run /bw admin save for save and enable game


How to install:

  • Download a plugin of your choice.
  • Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
  • Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
  • Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
  • Run the server.
  • All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.

ScreamingBedWars Plugin (1.21.1, 1.20.1) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft Bukkit 1.12 to Minecraft Bukkit 1.19.1

Download from Server 1

For  Minecraft Bukkit 1.19.4, 1.19.2

Download from Server 1Download from Server 1

For  Minecraft Bukkit 1.20.4, 1.20.2

Download from Server 1Download from Server 1

For  Minecraft Bukkit 1.20.6

Download from Server 1Download from Server 1

For  Minecraft Bukkit 1.21.1, 1.21

Download from Server 1Download from Server 1

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