Shrinking Potion Command Block 1.10.2
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September 15, 2016
Become Ant Man in vanilla Minecraft with the shrink ray command. This custom command allows you to gain the super power to shrink yourself in Minecraft just like Ant Man and acess small areas you couldn’t normally reach.
Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
Shrinking Potion = Glass Bottle + Popped Chorus Fruit
All recipes are floor crafting
How to:
- To use your shrinking potion, drink it. You will then shrink, and the shrinking effect will last for ten minutes.
- Jumping can be a little bit hard at times, but if you jump enough you can usually get up blocks easily. When you have shrunken, you can walk through one block high holes. If you want to unshrink prior to the ten minutes of shrinking effect, simply sneak.
How to install:
- To add any command creation to your world, first give yourself a command block with /give @p minecraft:command_block.
- Next, place it down anywhere, then copy and paste the command from below into the command block.
Shrinking Potion Command:
For Minecraft 1.10.2
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