SignColors Plugin (1.12.2, 1.10.2) allows players to add color and formatting codes to signs on the server. This plugin is easy to use and provides a visually appealing way to customize signs with different colors and styles, enhancing the overall look and feel of your Minecraft world.


  • Color and Formatting Codes for adding colors and formatting to signs.
  • Permissions-Based, allowing only players with the appropriate permissions to use the color codes.
  • Customizable settings to change the color code character and other preferences.



  • /sc – Shows information about SignColors.
  • /sc help – Shows a list of commands.
  • /sc reload – Reloads the config.yml.
  • /sc givesign [player] [amount] – Give a player colored signs.
  • /sc colorcodes or /sc cc – Shows you a color/format codes list.
  • /sc upgrade – Upgrades the old database format from version 0.7.1 and earlier to the new database format of version 1.0.0 and later.


  • signcolors.* – Access to all features.
  • signcolors.color.[color/format] – Allows you to write with [color/format] on signs. For example singcolors.color.6 = GOLD
  • signcolors.colors – Allows you to write all colors on signs.
  • signcolors.sign.create – Allows you to create a [SignColors] sign.
  • signcolors.sign.use – Allows you to use a [SignColors] sign.
  • – Allows you to see the SignColors info.
  • – Allows you to see the /sc help page.
  • signcolors.reload – Allows you to reload the config.yml.
  • signcolors.updatemsg – Shows you the update message, if an update is available.
  • signcolors.craftsign.bypass – Allows you to write colors on a normal sign, even if signcrafting is true.
  • signcolors.listcodes – Allows you to see the color/format codes list.
  • signcolors.givesign – Allows you to use the /sc givesign command.
  • signcolors.blockedfirstlines.bypass – Allows you to bypass the blocked first lines.
  • signcolors.upgrade – Allows you to execute the /sc upgrade command.


Vault Plugin

How to install:

SignColors Plugin (1.12.2, 1.10.2) Download Links

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.10 to Minecraft 1.12.2

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

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