SimpleGuns is a gun mod, as you could probably have guessed. But, at risk of sounding cliche, this one is different.

This mod features 10 guns. Three of them have bayonet-equipped variants and one has a scoped variant, for a total of 14 guns. There are also throwable bombs, which come in four materials and three types. It also has ramrods, which improve the rate of fire of certain guns, and gun racks, a block that allows you to show off your guns by placing them on a wall. So, without further ado, allow me to introduce them:

The Guns:

Stat Definitions

  • Damage: In half-hearts
  • Fire Rate: In rounds per second
  • Range: Arbitrary rating; can be poor, below-average, average, above average, or excellent
  • Accuracy: Arbitrary rating; can be poor, below-average, average, above average, or excellent; all guns receive an accuracy boost while crouched
  • Magazine Size: Number of shots before you have to reload
  • Ammunition Type: Ammunition used by this gun
  • Description: My description of the gun; (SG) means this is a shotgun, (S) means this gun has a scoped variant, (B) means this gun has a bayonet-equipped variant; (A) means this gun is fully automatic, (R) means this gun receives a speed bonus from ramrods

Flintlock Pistol

  • Damage: 8
  • Fire Rate: .5
  • Range: Short
  • Accuracy: Poor
  • Magazine Size: 1
  • Ammunition Type: Musket Ball
  • Description: Slow, inaccurate, and generally clunky, this gun is really only useful in the early game. It does, however, have the advantage of ammo that can be crafted in the 2×2 grid. (R)

Flintlock Musket

  • Class: Standard
  • Damage: 12
  • Rate of Fire: .2
  • Range: Above Average
  • Accuracy: Average
  • Magazine Size: 1
  • Ammunition Type: Musket Ball
  • Description: Slower but generally more effective than the flintlock pistol, this gun is another good choice for early game. A bayonet can also be attached to add 4 hearts of melee damage. (R, B)


  • Damage: n/a
  • Rate of Fire: .25
  • Range: n/a
  • Accuracy: n/a
  • Magazine Size: 1
  • Ammunition Type: Blunderbuss Ammo (gravel, large pebbles, iron ball)
  • Description: Essentially a shotgun musket, this gun shares with its cousins the cheaper ammo but has the added advantage of firing multiple bullets with a wide spread. Also, being a shotgun, it can use any of three ammo types, each with different stats. (SG, R)


  • Damage: 8
  • Rate of Fire: 4
  • Range: Average
  • Accuracy: Average
  • Magazine Size: 6
  • Ammunition Type: Bullet
  • Description: If this gun were a superhero, it would be called “Captain Average.” It’s not the fastest thing around, but it has reasonable range, magazine size, damage, and accuracy. It’s also easy to use against monsters because its damage is comparable to that of a diamond sword.

Bolt-Action Rifle:

  • Damage: 15
  • Rate of Fire: 1
  • Range: Exceptional
  • Accuracy: Poor (Excellent when crouching)
  • Magazine Size: 6
  • Ammunition Type: Bullet
  • Description: This is the sniper rifle of this mod. It’s unwieldy and unlikely to hit anything when fired normally, but when crouched its accuracy is essentially perfect. The range is also farther than the range at which mobs are rendered, so you won’t be having problems with that. With a scope, it will also zoom in when crouched. The only drawback is that it’s rather slow to fire and to reload. (B, S)


  • Damage: 6
  • Rate of Fire: n/a
  • Range: Average
  • Accuracy: Below Average
  • Magazine Size: 12
  • Ammunition Type: Bullet
  • Description: This gun is, technically speaking, the fastest gun in the mod because it will fire as fast as you can click left mouse. It also has a large magazine size, and fast reload times. However, it doesn’t have spectacular accuracy and the damage of the individual shots is quite low.

Revolver Gunblade

  • Damage: 8
  • Rate of Fire: 4
  • Range: Average
  • Accuracy: Average
  • Magazine Size: 6
  • Ammunition Type: Bullet
  • Description: This is essentially a revolver with a bayonet built-in. Other than that, the stats are the same. It even uses a revolver in its crafting recipe.

Light Machine Gun

  • Damage: 6
  • Rate of Fire: 10
  • Range: Average
  • Accuracy: Poor (Average when crouching)
  • Magazine Size: 20
  • Ammunition Type: Bullet
  • Description: This gun is fast. I mean really fast. As the only fully automatic gun in the mod, it seems to have a lot going for it. The accuracy is reasonable, the clip size is large, and the reload time is relatively short. In exchange for these advantages, however, the recoil is catastrophic when not crouched and individual shots don’t actually do a lot of damage. (B, A)


  • Damage: n/a
  • Rate of Fire: 1
  • Range: n/a
  • Accuracy: n/a
  • Magazine Size: 6
  • Ammunition Type: Shotgun Shell (buckshot, flechette, slug)
  • Description: If the revolver is Captain Average, then this gun must be its sidekick. It’s got a six-round magazine, reasonable fire rate, and interchangeable ammo types for different situations. (SG)

Double-Barrel Shotgun

  • Damage: n/a
  • Rate of Fire: n/a
  • Range: n/a
  • Accuracy: n/a
  • Magazine Size: 2
  • Ammunition Type: Shotgun Shell (buckshot, flechette, slug)
  • Description: This is an interesting one. It can only hold two rounds, but it will fire them as fast as you can click, similar to the pistol. The reload time is also quick to make up for the small magazine, and being a shotgun you can switch between the ammo types at will.


Bombs are throwable explosive devices. There are three types and four materials, for a total of 12 varieties. Being large and round, they can only stack 8 times.


  • Regular: Will bounce around and explode after a short time
  • Sticky: Will stick to the first block it hits and explode a short time after.
  • Instant: Will explode immediately upon hitting a block.


  • Cloth: A cloth sack with some gunpowder in it. Weakest explosive force.
  • Clay: A clay pot full of gunpowder. Second weakest explosive force.
  • Iron: An iron shell full of gunpowder. Second strongest explosive force.
  • Nether: Netherrack shell full of blaze powder. Strongest explosive force (equivalent to a block of TNT).

Other Items

Gunsmithing Workbench

As of version 3.0, Guns are no longer craftable through the regular crafting system. Instead, the gunsmithing workbench provides a simple, five-slot crafting system. Each slot represents a specific part of the gun: grip, mechanism 1 and 2, magazine, and barrel. The GUI looks like this:

The block itself looks like this:

Gun Racks

Gun racks are blocks that can be placed similarly to ladders. They can store a single gun. When a gun is stored on the gun rack, it will change to look like the gun for aesthetic purposes.


Ramrods give a 100% speed bonus to all flintlock weapons (flintlock pistol, musket, and blunderbuss) simply by keeping one in your inventory. They are good for 24 uses, and will break afterwards.


Miscellaneous Parts:

Gunsmithing Workbench:


Short Barrel:

Medium Barrel:

Revolver Magazine:

Magazine Holder:

Long Barrel:

Bolt Mechanism:

Bullet x3:


Pistol Grip:

Rifle Stock:

Shell Tube:

Double Barrel:

Guns (Gunsmithing Workbench):

Gun Grip Mechanism 1 Mechanism 2 Magazine Barrel
Flintlock Pistol Pistol Grip Spring Flint and Steel None Short Barrel
Flintlock Musket Rifle Stock Spring Flint and Steel None Long Barrel
Blunderbuss Rifle Stock Spring Flint and Steel None Medium Barrel Barrel
Revolver Pistol Grip Spring None Revolver Magazine Short Barrel
Pistol Pistol Grip Spring None Magazine Holder Short Barrel
Bolt-Action Rifle Rifle Stock Bolt Mechanism None Magazine Holder Long Barrel
Light Machine Gun Rifle Stock Spring None Magazine Holder Medium Barrel
Shotgun Rifle Stock Spring None Shell Tube Medium Barrel
Double-Barrel Shotgun Rifle Stock Spring Spring None Double Barrel

Guns (Regular Crafting):

Scoped Rifle


Gun with Bayonet


Musket Ball x4:

Box of Bullets:

Rifle Clip:

Shotgun Shells x2

Blunderbuss Ammo x2:


Regular Bombs:

Sticky Bombs:

Instant Bombs:


Gun Rack:



  1. Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download this mod. Move the whole .zip file (don’t extract anything) into .minecraft/mods.
  3. Run the game and have fun!



  • Updated for 1.5.2; no new features.

For Minecraft 1.5.2

For Minecraft 1.5.1

For 1.4.7/1.4.6

For Minecraft 1.4.5

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