SimpleLogic Gates Mod 1.12.2 (AND, OR, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR)
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September 30, 2021
SimpleLogic Gates Mod 1.12.2 adds redstone gates, Redstone by the designs found in RedPower 2 and its spiritual successors, in particular RedLogic.
Currently, the following gates are provided:
- Multiplexer
- Pulse Former
- Buffer (, Inverted Buffer (effectively a NOT gate)
- Set-Reset Latch (
- Randomizer (
- Synchronizer (
- Bundled Inverter (
- Bundled Transceiver (
Additional functionality is also available:
- Shift-scrolling lets you switch between the gates you have in your inventory without opening the inventory menu!
- You can invert any input or output of a gate by putting or removing a redstone torch on it.
- As of, it plays well with Redstone Paste!
Recommended mods:
- Works best with SimpleLogic Wires!
- Also works well with Redstone Paste.
Behaviour differences from typical implementations:
- Certain gates (such as the Multiplexer, Synchronizer and Pulse Former) cooperate with analog I/O.
- Randomizers will not generate random values continuously – you have to cycle them externally.
- Randomizers, upon receiving a weak redstone signal, will generate random analog values as opposed to digital ones.
- Set-Reset Latches are actually JK latches – the difference is that triggering both inputs at once will cause the value to toggle, instead of unpredictable behaviour.
How to install:
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For Minecraft 1.12.2
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