Skyblock Features Mod (1.8.9) – Very Useful for Hypixel SkyBlock
Skyblock Features Mod (1.8.9) is a simple Hypixel Skyblock mod that adds features that are not commonly found in other mods but are very useful.
- Glacial Cave Treasure Finder
- Highlight Correct Livid
- Crystal Hollows Treasure Chest Solver
- 3 Weirdo Solver
- Blaze Solver
- Ice Fill Solver
- Silverfish Ice Solver
- Boulder Solver
- Tic Tac Toe Solver
- Quiz Solver
- Waterboard Solver
- Teleport Pad Solver
- Puzzler Solver
- Chronomotron & Ultrasequencer Solver
- Dungeon Blocks
- Crypt Display
- Score Estimate
- Highlight Dungeon Bats
- Better Dungeon Nametags
- Dungeon Teammate Glowing
- Dungeon Map with Player Heads And Names
- Dungeon Chest Profitx
- Highlight Doors
- Automaton Loot/Profit Tracker
- Gemstone Profit Tracker
- Endernode Tracker
- Glacial Cave Treasure Tracker
- Commissions Tracker
- Powder Mining Tracker
- Ghost Loot Tracker
- Commissions Tracker
- Crystal Hollows Map (Maps out explored caves)
- Small Items
- 1.7 Animations
- Glowing Players!
- Glowing Items based on rarity
- Glowing Zealots
- Fancy Damage Numbers
- Ad Blocker (Hides people advertising in chat)
- Minion Profit Overlay (Coins Per Hour, Cooldown,Last collected, etc.)
- Helpful Auction Guis (for flipping, selling, and buying)
- Highlight Auction Flips
- Better Party finder
- Custom Config Gui
- Show Extra Profile Info (Shows networth, skill avg and discord when looking at someones profile)
- Bin Flipper (like TFM/COFL)
- Show Gift Compass Waypoints
- Fairy Soul Helper
- Fishing Helper
- Diana Mythological Helper
- Endernode Highlighter
- Highlight Zealots Spawn Locations
- 1.12 Crop Hitbox
- Highlight Auction Flips
- Ad Blocker (Hides people advertising in chat)
- Highlight Glowing Mushrooms
- And much more
Item Price Info
- Lowest BIN Price
- Average BIN Price
- Estimated Item Price
- Item Price Paid
- BIN Flip Profit (When in AH)
- /acc (Allows you see another players accessory bag)
- /vm (Change the item view model)
- /terminal (Allows you to practice a f7 dungeon terminal)
- /sky (gives the link for someone’s skyleamoe)
- /inventory (Displays another players inventory and armor)
- /skill (Displays another players skills)
- /bank (Displays another players current purse/bank balance)
- /dungeons (Shows another players dungeon stats)
- /shrug (Sends a message followed by a “¯\(ツ)/¯”)
- /flips (Shows a players auction flipping info) Provided by Cofl
- /networth (Shows you a players networth) Provided by Skycrypt API
How to use:
- Launch game and insert your api key or do /API NEW ingame.
- Type /sbf or /skyblockfeatures.
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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Skyblock Features Mod (1.8.9) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.8.9
Forge version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
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