SoaromaSAC Plugin (1.19.4, 1.18.2) – Spigot
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April 11, 2023
SoaromaSAC Plugin (1.19.4, 1.18.2) is a plugin designed to prevent cheating on your server by detecting and removing cheaters. It’s a simple and easy-to-use tool that comes with a wide range of configurable options, allowing you to tailor the anti-cheat to your server’s specific needs. This plugin is particularly well-suited for passive servers like Skyblock, survival, and others.
- Receive a violation every X amount of violations (Auto Disabled)
- Freeze System
- Punishment GUI
- Automatic kicking and banning (Banning Auto Disabled)
- Report System
- Hex colour codes
- Ping command for a target player
- Enable or disable violation messages with a command
- Automatic clearing violations (Auto Disabled)
- All messages are customizable
- Kick Logging
- Violation Logging
- Report Logging
- Cancel actions (Auto Enabled, called ‘cancelEventIfHacking’ in configuration)
- Severity of check flagged within violation message (low, medium, high)
- Each check is configurable and can be easily changed or disabled if needed
- Discord webhook integration
- TPS Checker (Enable AC above a certain TPS or lower than certain TPS)
- PlaceholderAPI [%current-violations% %total-violations% %warns%]
- GUI Configuration
- Asynchronous checks
- No dependencies
- Blacklisted worlds option
- Specific check permissions
- Can ignore java/bedrock players of your choosing inside config.yml
- sacreload
- sacuser <player> {Displays certain information about the player}
- sacnotify <disable/enable> {Violation messages}
- sacgui <player> {Punishment GUI}
- sacmute <player>
- sackick <player>
- sacwarn <player> <reason>
- sacunban <player>
- sacping <player>
- sacadmin
- sacfreeze <player>
- sachashclear
- sacreport <reason> {All reports are logged inside of a file}
- sacreports <number> {View X amount of recent reports}
- sacppicp <player>
- sacreplay <player-uuid> <>
- sacconfigchoose [ID]
- sacvio {view max recent violations in a gui}
- sachistory <playername> <number> {View X amount of logs}
- sac.bypass {Bypass every check} OR sac.bypass.[checkname][type] {[checkname] being speed or whatever is set inside cheat-names, and the [type] being a etc, example, sac.bypass.speede}
- sac.notify {Violation messages}
- sac.notifykick {Notify admins when a kick occurs}
- sac.reload {Reload configuration}
- sac.alertCommandGet {For the command sacnotify}
- sac.gui.admin
- sac.kick
- sac.ban
- sac.gui
- sac.warn
- sac.mute
- sac.unban
- sac.freeze
- sac.user {For sacuser}
- sac.hashclear
- sac.reportRecieve {When a user types a report, players with this permission get the report}
- sac.reportList
- sac.display.custompayload {For /sacppicp}
- sac.punish.bypass [to bypass staff commands, such as sacfreeze, sacgui, etc]
- sac.replay
- sac.startup.choose for /sacconfigchoose
- sac.history for /sachistory
- sac.sacvio for /sacvio
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.
SoaromaSAC Plugin (1.19.4, 1.18.2) Download Links
For All Versions from Minecraft Spigot 1.17 to Minecraft Spigot 1.19.4
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