Soda Craft is a fun mod which adds an ore called Aluminum. With aluminum, you can craft a soda machine, which you can spend coins in and get cool sodas!

Aluminum Ore as it spawns in the world:

Crafting a Gear with Iron ingots:

Crafting a soda machine with gears, aluminum ingots, redstone, an iron door, and iron bars:

Crafting Soda Coins to spend in the machine:

The Machine in the world:

After using 64 Soda Coins:

All of the sodas in their HD textures!

If you think thats too much of a price, theres also a recycle machine! Every time you drink a soda, you have an empty can. But what good is an empty can? Well you can recycle it to get back some of your gold!

Crafting a recycle machine with aluminum ingots:

The recycle machine in the world:

After returning a bunch of cans:

How to install SodaCraft Mod for Minecraft:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge
  • Just drop Sodacraft Mod zip file into mod folder

HD Texture Tutorial:

  • 1. Install Soda Craft
  • 2. Run Minecraft
  • 3. Close Minecraft
  • 4. Locate the SC.cfg config file
  • 5. Change ‘HD Textures’ from ‘0’ to ‘1’
  • 6. Enjoy



  • Updated for minecraft 1.6.2

For Minecraft 1.6.2

SodaCraft Mod

HD Textures

For Minecraft 1.5.2

SodaCraft Mod

HD Textures

Other Versions:

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