Sparcs Tweaks Mod
- Are you tired of boring dungeons with even more boring loot?
- Do you want more variety in mineshaft and stronghold loot?
- Do you wish sometimes you’d get something useful from digging through mounds and mounds of dirt?
- Do you wish a chance to recover some of that glass you placed?
- Do you want to be able to put torches on the back of stairs?
- If the answer to any of these questions was “yes” then SparcsTweaks is the Mod for you.
This is a minimalist mod that only tweaks a few key features of the game to make it a bit more rewarding and exciting.
Torches can now be attached to the back of stair blocks:
Beware of dungeons with creeper spawners!
Sometimes you’ll get a cave spider spawner instead of a regular spider spawner:
Dungeons are now a jackpot of amazing items! Sample Loot:
More variety in mineshaft loot:
More variety in Stronghold loot:
More variety in Stronghold library loot:
The changes made by this mod are as follows:
World tweaks:
- Added a 1% chance of finding a bone when breaking dirt/grass blocks (up to about
- 50% with Fortune III enchantment)
- Increased chance of finding flint to 12.5% when breaking gravel blocks
- Dungeon spawners are an equal chance of Zombie, Skeleton or Spider (formerly 50% chance of Zombie spawner)
- Added a 10% chance of recovering a glass when broken (both blocks and panes now)
- Added mineshaft loot
- Added items to stronghold loft loot: bow, arrows, and diamond sword
- Added items to stronghold library loot: paintings, blaze rod, ghast tear, netherwart, glass bottles and netherquartz
- Spider spawners in dungeons carry a 10% chance of being a cave spider spawner instead of a normal spider
- Dungeons now have a 1/10 chance of having a creeper spawner (approach with caution… and armor!)
- You can attach torches to the back of stairs (including inverse stairs)
- EnderPearl drops increased by 1 (1-3 normally rather than 0-2)
- Added smelting of rotten flesh into leather
- Water buckets work in the Nether, but lava evaporates water
- Endermen also drop the block they are carrying
- Witch huts contain a chest with random potions and ingredients
- Cave spider spawners in mineshafts reduced by nearly 1/2
- Chicken drop feathers randomly
Dungeon treasure:
- Increased quantity of items in chest
- Decreased chances of finding a saddle (don’t you have enough already?)
- Possible iron stack size doubled
- Wheat stack maximum size increased from 3 to 6 pieces (but still can find more than one stack)
- If found, cocoa beans quantity increased drastically
- Several new items added:
- gold ingots
- diamonds
- lapis
- red apples
- bones
- lightstone dust
- bow
- arrows
- diamond sword
- books
- chain armor
- diamond armor
- slime balls
- watermelon seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- compass
- clock
- chicken eggs
- 9 more music disks (plus improved chance of finding one)
- small chance that bow, armor or diamond sword are enchanted
- random enchanted shovels, axes and pickaxes (wood, stone, gold, iron, diamond)
- random potions! Includes potions not brewable!
- Bottles o Enchantment (very rare)
- Fire charges
- Emeralds
- potatoes
- carrots
- netherquartz
Mineshaft treasure added:
- minecarts
- storage minecarts
- torches
- powered rails
- detector rails
- smooth stone
- hoppers
- hopper carts
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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Rev 12
- Updated to Minecraft 1.5.2
- Fixed a bug that can cause errors when using a Fortune 4 or higher enchantments
For Minecraft 1.5.2
Non Forge version:
For Minecraft 1.5.1
Non Forge version:
Forge version: