Sparks Hammers Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds in hammers and excavators which take the material traits of pickaxes, and by default their usage speed are x0.6 as the respective pickaxe, and the durabilty are x6 more. These can be changed in the config file.

Sparks Hammers Mod

These hammers similar to Tinkers Construct but using a vanilla style with the resources like other tools.


Sparks Hammers Mod 1

Sparks Hammers Mod 2

Sparks Hammers Mod 3

Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod

Regular Hammers

Hammers are items like pickaxes except they mine out a 3×3 area around the block broken. However, like pickaxes, they will only effectively mine out stone-like materials. Also, the extra blocks around the block hit will only break if their hardness is less than or equal to the block hit.

Wooden Hammer

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 1

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 2

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 3

Stone Hammer

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 4

Iron Hammer

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 5

Gold Hammer

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 6

Diamond Hammer

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 7

Regular Excavators

Excavators are essentially the dirt-like material efficient tool equivalent of the hammers. They will dig out a 3×3 area of dirt-like blocks.

Wooden Excavator

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Stone Excavator

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Iron Excavator

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Gold Excavator

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Diamond Excavator

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 14

Mini Hammer

The Mini Hammer, instead of mining a 3×3, will mine out a 1×3 area (3 blocks vertically). Holding SHIFT will change the mined area to a 3×1 area (3 blocks horizontally). Note that due to it’s smaller size, it has less durability than a regular hammer.

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 15

Giant Hammer

The Giant Hammer, instead of mining a 3×3, will mine out a 9×9 area. If you are flying or are mining up or down, then the area is centered on the block hit. Otherwise the area will be shifted upwards so that the bottom of the mined area is at the floor level of the player. Due to the increased material cost and size of the hammer, it has much more durability than a regular hammer.

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Nether Star Hammer

The Nether Star Hammer is a powerful hammer capable of creating tunnels with a single use. It will mine a 3×3 hole 16 blocks deep by default and the hammer will only have 10 durability. 1 durability will be used for every tunnel mined.


This legendary hammer, “forged in the heart of a dying star”, has been lying dormant in a shrine somewhere out in the world just waiting for the right person to pick it up. Many have seen it, and some have built a shrine around it to keep it safe from those unworthy of it’s power. Perhaps you are worthy of this mighty hammer? It is heard that worthiness can be gained in the slaying of a great beast in another dimension…

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Powered Hammer

The powered hammer is simply a hammer that uses energy instead of its own durability, however once it’s run out of energy, it will instead start using its durability.

It is compatible with Forge Energy (FE) and Redstone Flux (RF).

Hammer Crafting Table

This new crafting table will allow you to build hammers and excavators much better, more sophisticated and possibly even larger than the normal crafting table. You’ve managed so far to use wood for your first hammer, but now you can unlock the possibilities of even crafting using diamonds or nether stars…

Sparks Hammers Mod Crafting Recipes 18


Minecraft Forge


CraftTweaker Mod

Rice Crafting Table Mod

How to install:

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

  1. Unzip downloaded (.zip file).
  2. Place the correct extracted files into each respective folder. (/mods and /scripts)

Sparks Hammers Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.7.10

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.8.9

Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.9.4

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.10.2

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.11.2

Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.12.2

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