Steam Advantage Mod 1.10.2, 1.9.4
Steam Advantage is an add-on mod to the Power Advantage Mod for Minecraft. It adds machines that are powered by steam.
Screenshots and Recipes:
The governor is a device used to control the flow of steam in steam-powered machines. It is an essential piece of each steam-powered machine crafting recipe. In NORMAL recipe mode, the governor is made from sticks, brass ingots, and iron nuggets. In TECH_PROGRESSION recipe mode, you will need to first craft sprockets and steel and brass bars to make a governor. In APOCALYPCTIC recipe mode, you must either salvage the governor from another machine or craft it using sprockets, brass bars, brass ingots, and sticks.
Black-Powder Musket
The black-powder musket uses black-powder cartridges for ammunition. A cartridge can be crafted from paper, gunpowder, and a lead nugget. Simply having a stack of cartridges in your inventory will allow you to load your musket.
To load the musket, you must hold right-click for several seconds until you hear the mechanism click (consuming a black-powder cartridge in the process). Once loaded, you aim the gun like a bow and fire! Deals 10 hearts of damage (configurable), making it a one-hit kill against most monsters. The musket can be enchanted on an enchantment table.
Steam Powered Machines
Steam Pipes
Steam pipes connect together steam-powered machines, allowing a boiler to supply steam to the other machines. Note that the Power Advantage API makes every machine that uses a type of power also conduct that power type, so you don’t need steam pipes if your machines are all adjacent to each other.
Coal-Fired Steam Boiler
The coal-fired steam boiler burns coal (or any other flammable item) to generate steam to power machines. You will need to fill the water reservoir by connecting it (via fluid pipes) to a water source or with buckets of water. Note that the steam pressure gauge will not increase if another machine (including a steam tank) is consuming all of the steam produced by the boiler.
Steam Tank
The steam tank stores steam pressure and meters it out to machines that need steam power.
Steam-Powered Rock Crusher
The rock crusher breaks blocks and items just like a crack hammer. There are 5 output inventory slots, so you can feed-in all of your ores from a hopper without clogging the machine. Place a hopper underneath to collect your crushed blocks.
Steam-Powered Blast Furnace
The blast furnace can be used like a normal furnace, smelting three items at a time with a combined smelting rate on par with a standard furnace. However, to reach optimal smelting temperature, you will need to provide steam power as well as fuel. Then the temperature gauge will go all the way into the red and your items will cook very quickly.
Steam-Powered Drill
The steam-powered drill drills into blocks up to 64 blocks away, collecting the blocks in this machine’s internal inventory. Use an item conveyor to pull items out for more efficient mining.
Note that the large drill-bit used by the drill is dangerous and will hurt anyone who bumps into it.
Steam Track
Note that the large drill-bit used by the drill is dangerous and will hurt anyone who bumps into it.
Steam Track
Steam-Powered Elevator
The steam-powered elevator uses steam to extend upwards when it is given a redstone signal. It always moves to a pisition 2 blocks short of the ceiling (to a max range of 16 blocks), carrying anyone standing on the elevator with it.
How to install:
- Download and install Base Metals Mod.
- Download and install Power Advantage Mod.
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For Minecraft 1.8.0
For Minecraft 1.8.9
For Minecraft 1.9.0
For Minecraft 1.9.4
For Minecraft 1.10.2