Sulfuric Mod (1.16.5) is an unofficial port of Phosphor Mod, ported from Fabric to Forge. This is a Minecraft mod which works to optimize one of game’s most inefficient areas– the lighting engine. It works on both the client and server, and can be installed on servers without requiring clients to also have the mod. With Sulfuric, the amount of time the game takes to generate chunks can be halved for some dimensions, and frame stuttering experienced while traversing the world can be significantly reduced. It’s a no-compromises solution for improving performance either in single-player or large multi-player servers, and changes no features or behaviors of the vanilla game.

While this is a significant improvement of vanilla’s lighting engine implementation, it does not make any changes to how the light model in Minecraft works. In layman’s terms, this mod does not change how light is rendered (except where bugs are fixed) or add new features to Minecraft. This allows the mod to work without being installed on the opposite end client or server. The fixes and optimizations provided by Sulfuric are specific to improving the lighting engine, keeping it small and self-contained. This mod doesn’t cure all world generation lag or client-side hiccups, as lighting is only one part of the equation.


Minecraft Forge

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Sulfuric Mod (1.16.5) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.16.5

Forge version: Download from Server 1

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