Library & API
Library & API act as a “frameworks” or APIs that provide useful functions to assist a variety of mods without adding gameplay functionality.
Heat And Climate Lib Mod (1.12.2, 1.10.2) is library for Defeatedcrow’s Mods. In this mod, biomes...
JBRA Client Mod (1.7.10) is a core mod, that is essential to run JinGames mods. Features: Handles models...
JRMCore Mod (1.7.10) is a core mod, that is essential to run JinGames mods. Features: New inventory...
MixinBooter Mod (1.12.2) allows any mixins that work on mods to work effortlessly. With a single class...
is a modern world generation modding platform, primarily for Minecraft. Terra allows complete customization...
AlexIILLib Mod (1.8) mostly has classes used by both of AlexIIL’s Mods, however it does also have...
Obfuscate Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) is a simple library that provides useful events, utilities, and common...
MMD OreSpawn Library (1.12.2, 1.11.2) is a library mod that provides better control over the spawning...
The Block Limit Fix Mod (1.19.3, 1.18.2) addresses a critical vanilla bug related to approximately 500,000...
ShadowizardLib Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a library mod designed to facilitate the development of other...
Forge Relocation FMP Plugin Mod (1.7.10) is an extension that allows proper movement of Forge Multipart...
Forge Relocation Mod (1.7.10) is a powerful library that takes care of all the grunt work of implementing...
Missing the thrill of archaeological digs in older Minecraft versions? Archaeology API Mod (1.19.2) is...
LiLaC Mod (1.20.4, 1.19.4) is a library mod used by opekope2’s mods with a compatibility layer...
Blueprint Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) is a mod library developed for easily accessing code which is shared across...