Library & API
Library & API act as a “frameworks” or APIs that provide useful functions to assist a variety of mods without adding gameplay functionality.
108 views ❘ September 11, 2016
Labyrinths API 1.10.2, 1.9.4 builds upon the Plans API allowing you to join multiple structures together...
111 views ❘ September 11, 2016
Plans API 1.10.2, 1.9.4 provides modders a very flexible API to include in their own mods that allows...
118 views ❘ September 9, 2016
OpenPeripheralCore 1.7.10 allows easy integration of mods with either ComputerCraft or OpenComputers....
332 views ❘ August 24, 2016
CountryGamer Core 1.7.10 is a coremod containing helper functions for all of Country_Gamer’s mods which...
229 views ❘ August 23, 2016
TLHPoE Core 1.7.10 is a mod that houses a lot of useful things for TLHPoE’s mods to use, such...
1,160 views ❘ August 21, 2016
SpaceCore 1.7.10 is a mod that most of spacechase0’s mods need. How to install Download and...
222 views ❘ August 20, 2016
Red Gear Core 1.7.10 is primary a library of classes used by most mods created by Team Red Gear. What...
303 views ❘ August 11, 2016
Here is some informations about LomLib for Minecraft Frostburn that you can need before download it Just...
336 views ❘ August 9, 2016
Metallurgy Core used for all Team Metallurgy’s mods. How to install: Download and install Minecraft...
124 views ❘ August 8, 2016
Baubles Princess Edition Mod is a fork of Azanor’s Baubles. Changes from Azanor’s Version: Added...
323 views ❘ May 28, 2016
DrCyano’s Ore Spawn is library mod that provides better control over the spawning of ores in Minecraft. DrCyano’s...
88 views ❘ February 24, 2016
C4Lib is used for. Talismans 2 Mod. BetterBedrockGen Mod. Equivalence Mod. How to install: Download...
65 views ❘ April 21, 2014
Minestrappolation API is a open source api that has objects for potions, brewing, tools, items, ect....
487 views ❘ February 25, 2014
Super Hero Core is a required library used in Super Heroes mods. It will need to be installed in the...
596 views ❘ October 11, 2013
Putting this one first so people see it. You need this for any mod of mine to work. Place in coremods,...