Minecraft 1.14.4 Maps
Minecraft community has developed for a long time. So the number of maps made by community is huge and doesn’t stop increasing day by day. There are various categories of map for you to play such as Adventure, Puzzle, Minigame, PvP, Parkour, Survival, Horror, Tower Defense, and so on. Below is a list of Minecraft 1.14.4 Maps developed by the Minecraft community. Pick one, download it and play solo or play co-op with your friends. You could also add a map to your Minecraft server if you would like to. Please make sure that you pick the suitable map version for your Minecraft. And do not forget to read the instruction on each page to install the map correctly.
3,286 views ❘ September 29, 2020
500 Blocks of Parkour is a parkour map which was created by Bot_542. This is another parkour map that...
4,781 views ❘ September 12, 2020
Castle to None is an adventure map that was designed by Ash and ChaoticImme. This is a 3-6 player cooperative...
1,254 views ❘ September 8, 2020
AFTERMATH is an adventure map which was created by Hugesmoke. After a war criminal named Brian initiated...
1,821 views ❘ September 6, 2020
The Shrinking Machine is a horror map that was created by Glowingside_YT. The setting where you are dropped...
7,786 views ❘ September 5, 2020
Wandering Isles is a survival map that was created by Luki. This map contains many custom structures...
988 views ❘ August 26, 2020
POWER_X is a game map created by Dishark. Enough with parkour, puzzle, sky wars, and survival, it is...
1,128 views ❘ August 22, 2020
Unfair Locked is a puzzle map made by NICO_THE_PRO. A true unfair Sokoban-puzzle experience. This map...
13,655 views ❘ August 21, 2020
SkyBlock: Advanced is a survival map created by peewee420. If you are tired of squeezing your brain too...
4,811 views ❘ August 21, 2020
SkyBlock Beyond is a survival map created by Kampfinator300. If you are tired of squeezing your brain...
2,933 views ❘ August 21, 2020
SkyChunk is a survival map created by TechGeekGamer. If you are tired of squeezing your brain too hard...
2,137 views ❘ July 26, 2020
Ghost Corporation is a horror map that was exquisitely designed by YoshiGD. Inspired by Pacman and Dark...
1,261 views ❘ July 23, 2020
The Seven Portals is a finding map that was designed by a new creator in the community, iLexie- Omar...
1,675 views ❘ July 20, 2020
Ancient Artifact is an adventure map that was created by JAILOW. This features lore-based gameplay, as...
918 views ❘ July 20, 2020
Prison of Affliction is an adventure map which was created by Cesina. If you are bored of PvP maps, then...
1,118 views ❘ July 20, 2020
The Last King of Tyre is an adventure map created by Edward Marchioni. This is a large singleplayer dark...