Minecraft 1.16.5 Mods
Here is a list of Minecraft 1.16.5 Mods compiled by the community. The new version 1.16.5 fixes two issues related to server crashes. Release candidates are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. Minecraft 1.16.5 is an update to Minecraft which was released on January 15, 2021.
Floocraft Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 is designed base on a teleporting powder in the serie Harry Potter, which...
Bizzare Animals Mod 1.16.5 implements new animals into the game, which will make your world seems more...
Dude! Where’s My Horse? Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 is a lightweight horse-finding mod for Minecraft 1.12...
ExtraBotany Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 is a Botania addon adds some new flowers (Tinkle Flower, Sunshine Lily,...
Zombienation Mod 1.18.2, 1.16.5 introduces into the game 9 different zombies, which varies from humanoid...
393 views ❘ October 1, 2021
Survivalist Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 is a mod oriented toward making early-game slightly more involved, so...
Land Manager Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 allows you to easily setup cuboid areas in the world which are protected...
8,638 views ❘ September 30, 2021
Sledgehammer Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 utilizes SpongePowered/Mixin (github.com/SpongePowered/Mixin) to patch...
24,283 views ❘ September 30, 2021
Lord Craft Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 is a magic mod based around the concepts introduced in TSON Craft. The...
SubLib (1.16.5, 1.12.2) is more of a requirement for most of Subaraki’s mods then an actual aid...
12,779 views ❘ September 29, 2021
Elenai Dodge Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 is a well balanced and customizable dodge mod for Minecraft. Features: Elenai...
Ducky Mod (1.16.5, 1.12.2) adds new ducks: Ducky, Tamed Ducky and Giant Tamed Ducky to Minecraft. Tired...
2,890 views ❘ September 28, 2021
Reversion Mod 1.16.5 is like an entire new DLC for Minecraft as it doesn’t add any specific type...
9,905 views ❘ September 28, 2021
Featured Servers Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 is a mod that removes the need to ship a servers.dat file that overwrites...
Refined Relocation 2 Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 adds sorting networks, filter systems, block extenders and more....