Minecraft 1.20.1 Mods
Here is a list of Minecraft 1.20.1 Mods compiled by the community. The new version 1.20.1 introduces new Cherry Blossom Biome, Archeology, Bamboo Blocks and Rafts, Camels, Chiseled Bookshelves, Hanging Signs, New Characters and Skins. Minecraft 1.20.1 is an update to Minecraft which was released on June 12, 2023 with the name “Trails and Tales”.
Midnight Controls Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) helps users of the Minecraft PC version to use more control types...
Infinite Trading Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic mod which prevents villager trades from locking...
Chunks Fade In Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) adds a fade-in motion for blocks that is comparable to the one that...
Wabi-Sabi Structures Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) adds a plethora of new structures that generate throughout...
Spiders Produce Webs Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic configurable mod which makes spiders and...
Tired of the same old survival Minecraft gameplay? Do you want to add a storyline for you to follow through?...
Smaller Nether Portals Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic mod that allows the creation of smaller...
Flan’s Mod: Reloaded (1.20.1, 1.19.3) loads content packs that turn simple JSON files, sounds,...
Biome Spawn Point Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) empowers you to choose the biome where you spawn in a newly created...
No Hostiles Around Campfire Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic configurable mod which prevents hostile...
Beautify Refabricated Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a mod that adds lots of vanilla-styled ways to spice up...
Edibles Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic configurable mod which makes lots of ingredients edible,...
Just Mob Heads Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) is a minimalistic mod that adds a configurable chance for mobs to...
Extended Bone Meal Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) brings a new feature to the game, and Bone Meal is now more usable....
Despawning Eggs Hatch Mod (1.21.4, 1.20.1) introduces a small feature, in which, eggs that are dropped,...