Minecraft 1.20.1 Mods
Here is a list of Minecraft 1.20.1 Mods compiled by the community. The new version 1.20.1 introduces new Cherry Blossom Biome, Archeology, Bamboo Blocks and Rafts, Camels, Chiseled Bookshelves, Hanging Signs, New Characters and Skins. Minecraft 1.20.1 is an update to Minecraft which was released on June 12, 2023 with the name “Trails and Tales”.
Auto Dropper Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is a simple mod that adds an automated version of Minecraft’s...
Leon’s & Tax’ Spooky Music Trader Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) introduces a Trader Mansion and...
Vanilla Minecraft offers a good collection of flowers that blend well with the vanilla terrain. But it...
Kinecraft Serialization Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is a library dependency mod that is especially made for...
In the vanilla game, the player has to obtain ender pearls and blaze rods in order to craft eyes of ender. Enderous...
Bid farewell to the chaos of randomly sorted enchantments with the introduction of the Enchantment Sort...
Just Enough Crowns Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) introduces new items into the game. Surely you had also had a...
The Villager Trade Station Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) inserts into the game a device that is capable of engaging...
TenshiLib Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) is a library mod that contains shared codes, utilities for most of my...
Ice and Fire Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.2) hopes to give you a true dragon experience. Currently, Dragons have...
Toggle Nametags Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) can toggle nametags on and off by pressing a keyboard button and...
Minecraft’s pistons are some of the most useful blocks in the game. From simple machines to large scale...
In Minecraft, when you place magma blocks below water source blocks, a column of water bubbles are created....
Coal Explosion Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) introduces a new feature into the game. The world of Minecraft is...
Basalt blocks were introduced into the game in the nether update. They are mostly found in the basalt...