Minecraft 1.20.6 Resource Packs
Minecraft 1.20.6 Resource Packs are collections of files that change the appearance of the game, such as textures, sounds and models. They can make the game look more realistic, cartoonish, futuristic or themed. Some examples of Minecraft Resource Packs are FullBright, Night Vision, XRay Ultimate, Bare Bones, etc.
2,260 views ❘ April 12, 2023 ❘
Cirno’s Wings Elytra Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a simple and clean pack which tries to add...
1,762 views ❘ April 12, 2023 ❘
Armored Villager Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) simply tries to diversify your villager in Minecraft...
384 views ❘ April 11, 2023 ❘
Cyber’s Wonderful Wolves Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a super cool and fancy pack which aims...
747 views ❘ April 11, 2023 ❘
Alternative Tools Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) simply aims to changes the vanilla tools to become more...
1,647 views ❘ April 11, 2023 ❘
Vanila+ Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a simple and clean pack which aims to upgrade the Vanilla feeling...
7,924 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
If you’ve used some 8x Packs in the past you might remember them as poorly textured, ugly, inconsistent,...
1,543 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
Perspective Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is simply a visual enhancement to the way you view items in...
496 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
Easter Wonder Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a unique and fancy resource pack meant to “Eclipse”...
1,322 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
3D Food And Drinks Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is an interesting and slight pack which tries to enhance...
247 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
Mumbofication Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) simply gives everyone in the game a Mumbo stache. Simultaneously,...
1,092 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
Penguin Totem Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a simple and cute pack which aims to add a very funny...
2,683 views ❘ April 9, 2023 ❘
Reforged Armor Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a simple and clean pack which tries to custom your armor...
2,420 views ❘ April 7, 2023 ❘
Kal’s Grimdark Viking Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) customizes your look with 6 sets of heavy...
12,176 views ❘ April 7, 2023 ❘
Rainbow Fade Outlines Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a simple and clean resource pack for Minecraft...
4,449 views ❘ April 7, 2023 ❘
Alternative Diamonds Resource Pack (1.20.6, 1.20.1) is a super fancy and simple pack which aims to retexture...