Minecraft 1.21.3 Mods
Here is a list of Minecraft 1.21.3 Mods compiled by the community. The new version 1.21.3 adds bundles, more banner patterns to match Bedrock Edition, and reorganizes rarity to better reflect gameplay. In addition, it introduces Winter Drop features to experimental gameplay, including the pale garden and the creaking, as well as new data components that grant more options for item customization. Minecraft 1.21.3 is an update to Minecraft which was released on October 23, 2024 with the name “Bundles of Bravery”.
Sometimes when you make a server (mainly when you use a proxy like BungeeCord), Forge shows an “Incompatible...
Food Effect Tooltips Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) adds new features to the game. When entering the game and starting...
Tinkers Bounce Pad Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is a mod that revitalizes the beloved Bounce Pad from Tinkers’...
Simple Magnets Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is a mod that allows us to craft magnets capable of attracting items...
Overhauled Village Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is a mod that focuses on improving various aspects of both villages...
Configurable Everything Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) gives players and modpack creators complete control over...
Disenchanter Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) adds a Disenchantment Table that allow players to disenchant enchantments...
Custom FPS Display Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) designed to let players monitor their FPS in a stylish and customizable...
No Recipe Book Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) removes the Recipe Book icon from the player inventory and the crafting...
BetterF3 Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is a mod aimed at improving the visual aspect of the information that appears...
Configurable Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) allows players and developers to set up configurations in a way that...
Modonomicon Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is an in-game documentation mod inspired by Thaumcraft’s Thaumonomicon...
Certain servers do not want players to obtain mob loot by building mob farms. No Mob Farms Mod (1.21.3,...
Auroras Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) brings colorful auroras to the night sky. These auroras create a mesmerizing...
Additional Lights Mod (1.21.3, 1.20.1) is many players perennial favourite Mod due to its unique additions...