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Minecraft 1.4.7 Mods

A list of Minecraft 1.4.7 Mods compiled by the community.

  • 106 views ❘ July 10, 2013

    Mo’ Foods+ is a mod dedicated towards bringing a more sophisticated, wide range of foods and food... 

  • 158,438 views ❘ July 10, 2013

    The THX Helicopter is the perfect way to explore your Minecraft world. The helicopter is equipped with... 

  • 162 views ❘ July 9, 2013

    This mod gives you more control over what you want to create without having to twiddle with the preset... 

  • 303 views ❘ June 25, 2013

    This mod: Adds an Instant Lake block that when placed entirely fills an area enclosed by blocks with... 

  • 73,953 views ❘ June 21, 2013

    SimpleGuns is a gun mod, as you could probably have guessed. But, at risk of sounding cliche, this one... 

  • 222 views ❘ June 21, 2013

    Features: These are all the features currently in the mod. Tents Tents are an item that can be used... 

  • 121 views ❘ June 21, 2013

    This mod introduces five new blocks: Hybrid Iron/Coal block: Hybrid Gold/Iron block: Hybrid Diamond/Gold... 

  • 62,218 views ❘ June 15, 2013

    This mod adds Pony mobs from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to Single Player Minecraft! Yes, it... 

  • 233 views ❘ June 14, 2013

    PowerCraft is: Intuitive yet powerful industrial mod Ideal for automatic farming Easier than BuildCraft... 

  • 168 views ❘ June 8, 2013

    The purpose of this mod, is to provide a much more practical, balanced and rewarding alternative to... 

  • 30,629 views ❘ June 8, 2013

    This mod gives you the ability to sprint with out having to double tap forwards. All you have to do... 

  • 82,727 views ❘ June 8, 2013

    This mod changes the default model of agressive mobs and villagers and turn them into the HumanPlayer... 

  • 230 views ❘ June 7, 2013

    This mod features new NPCs that will aid you against monsters. Screenshots: Archer The Archer is stationary... 

  • 287 views ❘ May 31, 2013

    This mod enables rendering of player’s body in first person view. Features: Enables rendering... 

  • 26,206 views ❘ May 28, 2013

    People make mods to make the game more fun and exciting. However, many people make mods to fix things...