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Minecraft 1.4.7 Mods

A list of Minecraft 1.4.7 Mods compiled by the community.

  • 90 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    The map generator of Minecraft generate originally bedrock randomly on the bottom five layers in the... 

  • 53,184 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Quicksand falls like sand or gravel when unsupported and any mob unfortunate enough to fall in is doomed... 

  • 1,420 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    Simply Horses opens the player to a new mode of play, both advantageous and detrimental. With this mod,... 

  • 427 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    The Single Player Commands for Player API patch integrates the Single Player Commands mod into the Player... 

  • 138,429 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    Change version Minecraft Version Changer is a tool which you can easily change between over 100 different... 

  • 191 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    This is a custom Minecraft launcher that allows you to one-click install mods, letting you enable and... 

  • 32,283 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    Press CTRL-SHIFT-P to enable Pony Edit Mode. Edit .minecraft/skin_edit.png with an external editor.... 

  • 51,635 views ❘ May 10, 2013

    Audiotori is a cascading sound pack manager. It allows you to use multiple sound packs at once to replace... 

  • 54,028 views ❘ May 8, 2013

    XP-Infused Book Stores XP for later use. Storage Bookshelf: Acts like a chest for books, with a pretty... 

  • 113,008 views ❘ May 8, 2013

    Do you want to be a ninja? … Do you want to use poisoned daggers and throw dangerous shurikens?... 

  • 203 views ❘ May 8, 2013

    Defensive Villagers rewrites the villager AI and render and model file. No more squidwards! Villagers... 

  • 184,209 views ❘ May 7, 2013

    Features: Adds shields and guarding mechanics to Minecraft. *Optional SmartMoving Exhaustion System* Four... 

  • 572 views ❘ May 7, 2013

    Features: Adds Scythes, Reaping mechanics, Soul farming System, specialty items and equipment. Harken... 

  • 18,397 views ❘ May 7, 2013

    Whenever you click to change a noteblock’s note, a neat little GUI opens up, making it easier... 

  • 202 views ❘ May 6, 2013

    Have you ever wanted to build something awesome out of glass, maybe a castle or a giant green house?...