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Minecraft 1.5.2 Mods

A list of Minecraft 1.5.2 Mods compiled by the community.

  • 385 views ❘ August 23, 2016

    What does RoadWorks Mod 1.7.10 do? It add’s the following to the game: It adds an asphalt block... 

  • 1,748 views ❘ August 23, 2016

    Survival Wings Mod 1.7.10 adds craftable wings that let you fly in survival mode. They are equipped in... 

  • 620 views ❘ August 23, 2016

    What is this mod? MobAura Mod 1.7.10 creates an aura around you so mobs within 6 blocks of you are repeatedly... 

  • 185 views ❘ August 23, 2016

    About: World and Generation Tweaks Mod 1.7.10 contains various assorted tweaks related to world generation.... 

  • 145 views ❘ August 23, 2016

    Iron Pressure Plate Mod 1.7.10. Ever wanted to make doors that automaticly open without the chance of... 

  • 98 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    FlatSigns Mod 1.7.10 is a mod by Myrathi, providing new sign functionality that allows signs to be placed... 

  • 100,064 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    Invincible Hamster Mod 1.7.10 particular mod lets hamsters spawn in your world. When you tame them with... 

  • 369 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    What is Touhou Alice’s Doll? Touhou Alice’s Doll Mod 1.7.10 is fanfiction of “Shanghai... 

  • 394 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    Show Durability 2 Mod 1.7.10 is newer version of Show Durability Mod. The Show Durability 2 Mod gives... 

  • 836 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    Hostile Worlds Mod 1.7.10 adds in a new and very dangerous Dimension. Meteors can randomly strike down... 

  • 428 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    GrowthCraft Mods 1.7.10 is a mod for Minecraft which aims to improve the agricultural or farming aspect... 

  • 108 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    Egg Staff Mod 1.7.10 is a very small but powerful mod, it lets you obtain spawn eggs in survival mode.... 

  • 166 views ❘ August 22, 2016

    Temperate Plants Mod 1.7.10 adds in sixteen new plants that spawn in Forge Biome Dictionary biomes marked... 

  • 474 views ❘ August 21, 2016

    What is Teleportation Mod? Teleportation Mod 1.7.10. Make the nether wand and right click. It will generate... 

  • 201 views ❘ August 21, 2016

    Crystal Wing Mod 1.7.10 is both a mod and an item by the same name. It was created by DaftPVF ,the same...