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Minecraft 1.5.2 Mods

A list of Minecraft 1.5.2 Mods compiled by the community.

  • 120 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Pumpkin-less Snow Golem? Pumpkin-less Snow Golem Mod 1.7.10 is a simple mod requested by Gerbilcrab.... 

  • 177 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Jelly Cubes? Jelly Cubes Mod 1.7.10 that adds 1 new food to the game that will really help you... 

  • 116 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Simple Pack Mod? Wuppy’s Simple Pack Mod 1.7.10. The simple recipes mod adds several new... 

  • 162 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    Ice Pixie Mod 1.7.10 is a simple mod that add a new Mob, the IcePixie Screenshots: Mod Showcases: How... 

  • 195 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    CocoaCraft Mod 1.7.10. Milk! Cocoa! Coffee! What is CocoaCraft? CocoaCraft Mod. Have you ever thought... 

  • 181 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    The Peacefulpack Mod 1.7.10 was a mod that originally has been made by Hogofwar. This mod adds new ways... 

  • 291 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Koi Fish? Koi Fish Mod 1.7.10 adds a new fish to minecraft called the koi. It is simply a fish... 

  • 281 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What it does? Harder Peaceful Mod 1.7.10 takes out the health and food generation from peaceful. So in... 

  • 160 views ❘ August 11, 2016

    Mob Masks Mod 1.7.10. Make yourself masks! Currently it’s only for show, no special functions. Screenshots... 

  • 166 views ❘ August 11, 2016

    PlasmaCraft Mod 1.7.10 is a mod that adds 8 new caustic liquids, based on real and fictional radioactive... 

  • 301 views ❘ August 11, 2016

    Here is some informations about LomLib for Minecraft Frostburn that you can need before download it Just... 

  • 146 views ❘ August 11, 2016

    Nether Eye Mod for Minecraft 1.7.2 What is Nether Eye? Nether Eye Mod adds a nether version of an eye... 

  • 555 views ❘ August 10, 2016

    Fireplace Mod. There are times when a 3 block long fireplace fits a house and times when a single block... 

  • 229 views ❘ August 10, 2016

    Shur’tugal Mod adds features from the Inheritance Series to Minecraft. This includes magic, the... 

  • 153,930 views ❘ August 9, 2016

    New Dungeons Mod adds a new dungeon type to minecraft.  While the default dungeons are small and boring,...