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Minecraft 1.5.2 Mods

A list of Minecraft 1.5.2 Mods compiled by the community.

  • 381 views ❘ May 13, 2013

    A remake of the original mod into Forge. Uses the same file structure for permissions, so you can just... 

  • 101 views ❘ May 13, 2013

    Land protection mod. Create new towns, add members to it, set up personalised plots, configure plot/town... 

  • 128 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    This mod adds very powerful tools and armour made of ender Ingots. The mod adds a couple new items and... 

  • 240 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    Elemental Tinkerer is a mod about tinkering with elemental magic and revealing mysteries left behind... 

  • 429 views ❘ May 12, 2013

    This will allow you to find chest underground or above ground in mine shafts or in dungeons you will... 

  • 135 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This Mod adds a few new Crops and Food:GreenPepper, EggPlant, Tomato, Lettuce, Onion, Strawberrys, Coffee... 

  • 360 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Tale of Kingdoms 2 is a follow up on tale of kingdoms 1, where the story ended there continues here,... 

  • 68 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This mod adds two new world types that can be selected the same way as ‘Default’, ‘Super... 

  • 327 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    The Herbology Mod is a new way to approach medicine and brewing in Minecraft! Plant lovers will finally... 

  • 117 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This is a Not Enough Items plugin that shows Forestry bee mutations and products in NEI. Works with... 

  • 49 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    This mod just adds 1 block. This block can power a field within its range as specified in the configuration.... 

  • 48,012 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    It adds two things; a wrench which works on BuildCraft, IndustrialCraft, RailCraft, Forestry, Thermal... 

  • 78 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Battlechatter is a Pvp oriented mod that helps users organize their groups with a number of features... 

  • 90 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    The map generator of Minecraft generate originally bedrock randomly on the bottom five layers in the... 

  • 53,184 views ❘ May 11, 2013

    Quicksand falls like sand or gravel when unsupported and any mob unfortunate enough to fall in is doomed...