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Minecraft 1.6.4 Mods

A list of Minecraft 1.6.4 Mods compiled by the community.

  • 1,419 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    CJB API 1.7.10 is required for all mods below if you don’t have this installed the mods below won’t... 

  • 249 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    Tomahawk Mod 1.7.10. You can throw any axes that extends Item Axe with this mod as weapon. The damage... 

  • 665 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    MCSkin3D 1.9.4, 1.7.10. Real-time skin editor for Minecraft! Description: MCSkin3D is a new take on how... 

  • 178 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    MoreInfo Mod 1.7.10 will add a lot more information to your screen. The information you want to see is... 

  • 564 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    Soul Shards Reborn Mod 1.7.10 is a remake of the original Soul Shards mod, that never got updated. What... 

  • 387 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    About Artifice Mod 1.7.10: Artifice Mod adds worldgen, new blocks, and new items. Artifice Mod Video: Recipes... 

  • 141,318 views ❘ August 14, 2016

    Enhanced Portals Mod 1.7.10. Ever wanted to build a Stargate? Don’t like the fact that portals... 

  • 157 views ❘ August 13, 2016

    Potato Gun Mod 1.7.10 adds a potato gun (the potato is supposed to look a little burnt, can be changed... 

  • 159,556 views ❘ August 13, 2016

    What is BigTrees Mod 1.7.10? BigTrees Mod. Apparently have you ever felt that minecraft’s jungles are... 

  • 246 views ❘ August 13, 2016

    Easy Building Mod 1.7.10. Want to finish building in survival but can’t reach the top to put in... 

  • 1,091 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    Pun Mod 1.7.10 has over 60 Items and 5 Tool and Armor Sets. And they are punny! Pun Mod Screenshots: These... 

  • 120 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Pumpkin-less Snow Golem? Pumpkin-less Snow Golem Mod 1.7.10 is a simple mod requested by Gerbilcrab.... 

  • 177 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Jelly Cubes? Jelly Cubes Mod 1.7.10 that adds 1 new food to the game that will really help you... 

  • 116 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    What is Simple Pack Mod? Wuppy’s Simple Pack Mod 1.7.10. The simple recipes mod adds several new... 

  • 224 views ❘ August 12, 2016

    Ratchet and Clank Mod 1.7.10 is based on the game Ratchet & Clank. Screenshots and Features: Weapons...