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Minecraft 1.7.10 Seeds

  • 290 views ❘ May 18, 2014

    This seed contains a fantastic spawn as you have an NPC Village at Spawn! You are also surrounded by... 

  • 194 views ❘ May 7, 2014

    If you go to (x= -280, y= 60, z= -728) there is a spider spawner with diamond horse armor in it! And... 

  • 268 views ❘ May 2, 2014

    This Seed contains an absolutely insane spawn! You spawn right by an NPC Village & a Desert Temple... 

  • 49 views ❘ April 27, 2014

    “50 Diamonds” (1.7.9 Best Minecraft Survival Island Seed) This is such a cool medium survival... 

  • 195 views ❘ April 23, 2014

    This Seed contains an EPIC Savanna Spawn, overall this has 6 Villages, 4 Desert Temples, Diamonds, Golden... 

  • 186 views ❘ April 21, 2014

    This Seed contains Three Villages, a Temple w/ Diamonds & Rare Enchanted Books, Rare Biomes such... 

  • 162 views ❘ April 17, 2014

    This Minecraft seed spawns the player in the base of a large colorful ravine. After climbing out the... 

  • 114 views ❘ April 17, 2014

    This Seed contains Two Villages, Two Temples w/ 7 Diamonds, a Stronghold w/The End Portal, Diamonds... 

  • 161 views ❘ April 17, 2014

    This Minecraft seed spawns the player next to an incredibly scenic snow topped extreme hills biome. Immediately... 

  • 150 views ❘ April 15, 2014

    This Seed contains fantastic loot such as; Diamonds, Enchanted Books, Golden Apples and more! The seed... 

  • 108 views ❘ April 15, 2014

    Village Seeds: Spawns you in an Old Oak Forest, with a Ravine, and a Village right behind you. Careful,... 

  • 152 views ❘ March 24, 2014

    This Seed contains all biomes within a 2000 block radius starting from [0,0]. It is very rare to find... 

  • 64 views ❘ March 7, 2014

    Lots of Animals and Interesting Plains Seed for Minecraft 1.7.x Screenshots: Seed ID: 7208794910977586159

  • 121 views ❘ February 6, 2014

    A good seed for survival and builds, it has a small village with basic survival needs such as a forest,... 

  • 140 views ❘ January 30, 2014

    Spawns you on the edge of a village. Surrounded by horses. Around you will find 6+ lava pools, pumpkins,...