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Minecraft 1.7.10 Seeds

  • 59 views ❘ January 29, 2014

    Desert flatland with nearby desert farming village and 2 temples. Third temple not as close.. but not... 

  • 90 views ❘ December 10, 2013

    This is definitely a cool seed because you spawn in a savanna plateau, very close to a dessert and a... 

  • 102 views ❘ November 24, 2013

    Really cool seed! Spawns you right near two villages (one being half plains and half desert), a not-too-far... 

  • 122 views ❘ November 24, 2013

    This is a survival island seed. It has 2 awsome things. 1 is that its a forest survival island and two... 

  • 182 views ❘ November 24, 2013

    A little ways out in a savanna biome is this huge random plateau extending to y=182. Just how tall this... 

  • 107 views ❘ November 24, 2013

    Starts in a river and there are biomes all around. Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savannah, Black Forest, Swamp....