Minecraft Snapshots
15 views ❘ February 2, 2013
Snapshot 13w05a had a few too many bugs and crashes for our liking, so we spent some of Gaming Friday...
26 views ❘ February 1, 2013
A new Snapshot is out and about, ready for your testing pleasure! Here’s what is on offer this...
30 views ❘ January 24, 2013
According to our calendar from 2041, it’s Thursday in week 4 and flying cars still haven’t been...
32 views ❘ January 17, 2013
It’s time for this week’s Snapshot, and we are edging ever closer to the highly anticipated...
52 views ❘ January 11, 2013
Here’s a bug-fix snapshot for the week! Many, many fixes! Notable: The stitcher should now make sure...
30 views ❘ January 10, 2013
Time for a new snapshot! The major changes are: Textures for blocks and items now have individual image...
29 views ❘ January 5, 2013
There were a couple of redstone problems (surprise, surprise) in the snapshot yesterday, so here’s...
52 views ❘ January 4, 2013
Welcome to a new year of snapshots! This is the first snapshot that contains features for the coming...
3,289 views ❘ December 14, 2012
Updated snapshot for week 50! 10 issues fixed Notable: Fixed item desynchronization bug when using...
5,416 views ❘ December 13, 2012
Snapshot week 50! We’re looking to do a 1.4.6 before Christmas, with the normal pre-release a few...
9,317 views ❘ December 8, 2012
Hey hey hey! Snapshot time! Changes since 1.4.5: Added fireworks (sound effects will come soon) Added...
7,888 views ❘ November 2, 2012
Since the release of the Pretty Scary Update we’ve been super-busy trying to fix as many reported...
4,882 views ❘ October 25, 2012
Busy day on the Mojang blog indeed! Don’t forget to check out the other posts for info on the bug...
18,854 views ❘ October 23, 2012
A day -1 patch! Lovely! No but seriously, there was a big issue causing mobs to suffocate and fall through...
4,223 views ❘ October 20, 2012
Woho, time to get ready for 1.4! This release is the full 1.4, intended to prepare server admins and...