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Minecraft Snapshots

  • 28 views ❘ July 8, 2014

    Update: Snapshot 14w26c has been released to fix broken block IDs, world generation in the nether and... 

  • 86 views ❘ June 26, 2014

    Update: Snapshot 14w26b has been released to fix some chunk loading issues. Notable Changes: Lots more... 

  • 75 views ❘ June 20, 2014

    Snapshot 14w25b has been released to fix the following bugs: Black line at the horizon when using shaders Placeholder... 

  • 137 views ❘ May 22, 2014

    Update: Snapshot 14w21b has been released to fix an item frame crash. Small snapshot this week for some... 

  • 175 views ❘ May 16, 2014

    Snapshot 14w20b has been released to fix mobs not spawning naturally. To get snapshots, open your launcher... 

  • 47 views ❘ May 15, 2014

    Minecraft Snapshot 14w20a brings many bugfixing, a little polishing and possibly even some hugs. Notable... 

  • 97 views ❘ May 8, 2014

    Minecraft Snapshot 14w19a has been released. This snapshot focusing on optimizations and furthering... 

  • 73 views ❘ May 2, 2014

    Snapshot 14w18b has been released to fix a crash and some bugs. To get snapshots, open your launcher... 

  • 31 views ❘ May 2, 2014

    Snapshot 14w18a has been released. Notable changes: Pistons now interact with Slime Blocks in cooler... 

  • 465 views ❘ April 26, 2014

    Snapshot 14w17a has been released. Changelogs: New highly customisable terrain generation! (Create... 

  • 126 views ❘ March 14, 2014

    Minecraft Snapshot 14w11b: New Endermite Mob, Speedy Minecarts, and More… Changelogs: Bug fixes: Upward... 

  • 91 views ❘ March 9, 2014

    Update: A ‘c’ snapshot has been released to address various bugs and crashes. Changelogs: New Mob... 

  • 24 views ❘ March 7, 2014

    Minecraft: Skeleton Killers, Exploding Arrows, and More! This snapshot also has the (hopefully-)final... 

  • 98 views ❘ February 20, 2014

    Minecraft 1.8 – Snapshot 14w08a has been released Changelogs: Superflat Customization still... 

  • 41 views ❘ February 14, 2014

    Minecraft Snapshot 14w07a release for testing. Iron Trapdoors & Command Block Madness, Blaze Rods...