Mob & Creature Mods
Mob Creature Mods introduce new variants of mobs into the game, making the Minecraft world become more diverse for players to explore.
1,645 views ❘ July 19, 2019
Deadly Monsters Mod 1.12.2, 1.11.2 adds new unique monsters, terrible and dangerous creatures. Use the...
Butterflys Mod 1.12.2 is a cool mod adding in thousands of randomly created butterflies. Butterflies...
Some mods wish to expand the game’s mechanics, some mods want to explore a world of new possibilities...
Merpig Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 adds a controllable, ridable sea creature (a water version of the pig) to Minecraft....
1,449,425 views ❘ February 8, 2019
Mutant Creatures Mod 1.7.10 adds many different creatures that are buffed up versions of Minecraft’s...
204,598 views ❘ December 21, 2018
Harry Potter Mod 1.12.2, 1.12 brings the magical universe of the Harry Potter series to Minecraft. It...
9,221 views ❘ December 14, 2018
Soul Bottle Mod 1.12.2 adds a SoulBottle that can carry pets, creatures, etc. But, durability is low...
Prehistoric Eclipse Mod 1.12.2 is a mod that adds in many dinosaurs. There are currently 5 dinosaurs...
Dye It Yourself Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 adds new mechanics to sheep and how you collect dye. At its most basic,...
CustomEpicness’s Ghost Mod 1.7.2 adds Ghosts to your game. These are hostile, quick and spawn throughout...
6,872 views ❘ September 11, 2017
Subterranean Creatures Mod 1.12.1, 1.12 adds a whole new dimension full of strange creatures and some...
1,066 views ❘ June 1, 2017
Nightmare Creatures Mod 1.7.10 places a variety of terrifying and aggressive mobs to your world to make...
206 views ❘ May 7, 2017
Dark Menagerie Mod 1.7.10 adds new creatures with a dark theme, as the name implies. The creatures included...
Ad Inferos Mod 1.11.2, 1.10.2 adds in lots of new mobs to the Nether, items, weapons, & even a new...
1,711 views ❘ September 4, 2016
MLP Mythical Creatures Mod 1.7.10 adds some of the most insane bosses you have ever seen. This mod adds...